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Attorney Timesheets: Legal Practice's Secret Weapon -

Attorney Timesheets: The Secret Weapon of Successful Legal Practices

One of the most overlooked aspects of running a successful legal practice is, interestingly enough, something that many of us do on a daily basis: tracking our time

It’s easy to brush off the concept of timesheets as an unnecessary burden, but for attorneys who want to maximize their billable hours and increase profitability, timesheets are an essential tool.

But what is a timesheet? And why should it be an integral part of your legal practice? In this article, we’ll take a look at why timesheets are so beneficial for attorneys and how they can help you run a more efficient and profitable business.

Let’s get started!

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What is a Timesheet?

Simply put, a timesheet is a tool for tracking and recording the time you spend on various tasks. It can be used to track billable hours, calculate your hourly rate, and monitor employee performance on various tasks.

In its most basic form, a timesheet consists of two columns: one for start time and one for end time. The difference between the two gives you an accurate representation of how much time was spent on each task or activity within a given period. 

For example:

Start Time

End Time Hours per Session
9:00am 11:00am

2 hours

11:30am 1:30pm

2 hours

2:00pm 4:00pm

2 hours

In this case, the total time spent on all activities was 6 hours. This information can then be used to accurately bill your client or for internal tracking purposes (usually to gauge efficiency and productivity). 

a lawyer writing on a paper - attorney timesheets

Types of Attorney Timesheets

Effective attorneys use a variety of timesheet formats. Here are a few of the most popular timesheets used by legal professionals:

  1. Task-Based Timesheets: This type of timesheet is focused on tracking specific tasks and activities (e.g., depositions, research, etc.). It’s ideal for attorneys who need to track billable hours accurately and quickly.
  2. Client-Based Timesheets: Client-based timesheets are designed to track the amount of time spent on specific clients. This type of timesheet is particularly useful for lawyers who need to keep track of multiple cases and/or clients simultaneously.
  3. Project-Based Timesheets: Project-based timesheets are designed to help attorneys effectively manage their workload (e.g., tracking a single case from start to finish). The data collected helps managers and attorneys create better estimates for upcoming projects, as well as track progress and ensure deadlines are met.

Historically, most of this was managed manually via paper timesheets. Many legal practices would have piles of books wherein they tracked their attorney’s time on a daily basis. Imagine an entire room filled with paper timesheets!

Paper versus Electronic Timesheets

Paper timesheets have been around for decades and are still often used by lawyers to record their billable hours. The legal field is slow to change, so it’s no surprise that paper timesheets continue to be popular.

But, to be frank, paper timesheets are outdated and inefficient. Not only are they prone to errors, but they’re also incredibly time-consuming to fill out and review. Plus, it can be difficult to access the data from paper timesheets when you need it most.

That’s where electronic timesheets come in.

Electronic timesheets are the modern way to track and record time. Rather than manually filling out paper forms, you use an electronic system that is more efficient and accurate – oftentimes, a Chrome extension or a project management tool. This means less data entry errors, faster turnaround times for invoices, and improved visibility into your team’s performance. 

Advantages of Electronic Timesheets

There are many advantages to using electronic timesheets in your legal practice. Here’s a look at some of the top benefits: 

  • Accuracy – With an electronic timesheet, you can quickly and accurately track the exact amount of time spent on each task. This helps ensure that you are charging clients appropriately for your services and helps keep track of employee performance. 
  • Efficiency – Electronic timesheets are much faster and easier to use than paper timesheets. With an electronic system, you can easily generate invoices and reports in mere minutes.
  • Visibility – Electronic timesheets provide a high level of visibility into your team’s performance, allowing you to quickly identify any areas that need improvement or additional resources. 
  • Data Security – Since electronic timesheets are stored digitally, there is no risk of losing valuable data due to fire, theft, or other disasters (whereas paper timesheets can be damaged or destroyed). 
  • Scalability – As your business grows, so does the need for more data. Electronic timesheets allow you to quickly scale up and track more information as needed, with no extra space or materials required. 

Disadvantages of Electronic Timesheets

That’s just it – there really aren’t any drawbacks to using electronic timesheets! The only *potential* downside is that some attorneys, often older ones with established ways of doing things, may find the transition from paper timesheets to electronic ones a bit intimidating.

But with the right training and support, this should not be an issue. If your team needs help getting up-to-speed on using an electronic system, there are plenty of online resources and tutorials available to get them comfortable with it quickly. 

lawyer typing on a laptop - attorney timesheets

Advantages of Using Attorney Timesheets

Now that we’ve established the basics of timesheets, let’s take a look at some of the advantages they offer to legal professionals. 

Accurate Billing

One of the biggest benefits of using timesheets is that they allow you to accurately bill your clients for the time you spend working on their case. This means fewer disputes over billing and more reliable payments from your clients. 

Moreover, timesheets give you greater visibility into how long certain tasks are taking, so you can adjust your prices accordingly or even add additional services if needed. 

Improved Efficiency

When used properly, timesheets can help you track and optimize your workflow. By tracking the time you spend on various tasks, you’ll be able to identify areas where you are wasting time or could be working more efficiently. 

This data is invaluable for improving your efficiency and productivity. Plus, if there’s ever an issue with a client over how much time was spent on their case, you can easily pull up relevant data from your attorney timesheet to prove your case. 

Enhanced Visibility

Timesheets also provide enhanced visibility into the performance of your team. By tracking their time, you can see which tasks they’re working on and how long it takes them to complete these tasks. This data is invaluable for evaluating employee performance and ensuring that everyone is productive and efficient.

Easier Invoicing

Finally, timesheets make it easier to create accurate invoices for your clients. With electronic timesheets, you can quickly and easily generate invoices with all the relevant data in one place. This makes it easy to keep track of payments and billing information without wasting time searching through paperwork or muddling through spreadsheets. Attorney Timesheet Software

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use and powerful attorney timesheet software, look no further than is a cloud-based time-tracking system designed specifically for legal professionals. With, you can easily track billable hours, calculate your hourly rate, monitor employee performance on various tasks, and generate invoices quickly and accurately. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with popular project management tools like Asana and Jira, so you can easily track tasks in real-time. time tracking and timesheets - Attorney Timesheets Features is packed with features to help you get the most out of your attorney timesheets: 

  • Automated time tracking – Track billable hours automatically and accurately. 
  • Accurate invoicing – Instead of trawling through mountains of paper or coordinating spreadsheet rows, lets you create easy billing summaries and invoices in a matter of minutes with all the relevant data in one place. 
  • Employee performance monitoring – Easily monitor employee performance on various tasks and make adjustments as needed. 
  • Integration with popular project management tools – Seamlessly integrate with popular project management tools like Asana and Jira for real-time tracking of tasks. 

Does your legal practice manage their tasks through Asana? No problem – today offers a seamless, one-click Asana integration so you can start tracking billable hours and invoicing clients in no time. Likewise with Jira, Monday, and many other platforms.

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At the end of the day, timesheets are a key component of any successful legal practice. They help you accurately bill your clients, improve efficiency and productivity, enhance visibility into your team’s performance, and make invoicing easier than ever before. 

If you want to run an efficient and profitable business, attorney timesheets are an essential tool that should be part of your arsenal.