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Business Operations Manager: Why Strong Operations Skills Always Wins -
business operations manager

Business Operations Manager: Why Strong Operations Skills Always Wins

Within a business, every department as an ultimate goal. Accounting wants to ensure the books balance, marketing wants more leads and customers, and customer service wants happy customers. But who, then, ensures that all these moving parts come together to create an efficient, profitable business?

Introducing the business operations manager. This is a critical role in any company, as they are responsible for overseeing and improving all operational aspects of the business. From streamlining processes to improving communication, the business operations manager is essential in making sure the company runs like a well-oiled machine.

Have you got a strong operations background? If so, you may be wondering what exactly a business operations manager does. In this article, we will take a look at the key responsibilities of this role and outline what it takes to be successful in it.

Let’s get right to it!

Who is the Business Operations Manager?

In running a successful business, it’s important to have someone at the helm who can keep all the various moving parts in check. That’s where the business operations manager comes in. The BOM oversees all aspects of a company’s day-to-day operations, from marketing and sales to accounting and human resources.

Your operations are the engine that drives your company, so it’s essential to have a manager who knows how to keep things running smoothly. The BOM is responsible for creating and implementing operational procedures, ensuring that all systems are efficient and effective.

In addition, the BOM must continually adapt to changes in the marketplace and make sure that the company is keeping up with the latest trends. This can include anything from developing new marketing strategies to incorporating new technology into the business process.

The BOM is also responsible for ensuring that all employees are properly trained and productive. They must create and oversee a system that maximizes output while maintaining quality standards.

a business operations manager on the way to work

What soft and hard skills are needed to be a successful Business Operations Manager?

The BOM isn’t simply a manager of tasks; they need to be a strategic thinker with the ability to see the big picture. They must also have strong operational skills, as well as experience in diverse areas such as marketing, sales, project management, and human resources.

In order to effectively manage a team of employees, the BOM must exhibit the following qualities:

  • Leadership skills: strong ability to motivate and lead a team
  • Communication skills: able to effectively communicate with all levels of the organization
  • Organizational skills: must be able to manage multiple tasks simultaneously and prioritize them according to importance
  • Problem-solving skills: ability to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently

The BOM must also be able to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in their industry. They must be able to identify new opportunities and make changes to the business as needed.

Why companies need a BOM

A business operations manager (BOM) is a key executive in every company, and is arguably one of the most important roles in terms of overall company performance. A good BOM can make a huge difference in a company’s ability to scale, pivot quickly when needed, and keep everything running as it should.

Why specifically are good operations skills so important for a company? Quite simply, it’s because operational efficiency is the lifeblood of every business. A well-run company means lower costs, faster turnaround times, and fewer mistakes. Conversely, a poorly managed company can quickly lead to disaster.

Business operations managers benefit the business in which they exist by performing and managing the following activities:

  • Planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the operations function of an organization
  • Formulating policies and procedures for operational efficiency
  • Developing systems that will improve production or service delivery
  • Coordinating the efforts of workers to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently
  • Implementing changes to improve operational efficiency
  • Analyzing and resolving problems that impact operations
  • Monitoring performance against goals and objectives
  • Providing leadership and guidance to staff
  • Generating reports on performance for upper management
  • Implementing and overseeing training programs for employees
business operations manager at the office

The above list is by no means exhaustive, but it provides a general overview of the key activities that a BOM typically oversees. In order to be successful in this role, it is essential to have a strong understanding of how business operations works and the ability to effectively manage and motivate workers.

Signs that you need a BOM

While business operations managers are undoubtedly important, some companies may not need one or may not have the budget to hire a full-time BOM. So how can you tell if your company could benefit from having a business operations manager on staff?

There are a few key signs that indicate a need for a BOM. If your company is experiencing any of the following issues, it may be time to consider hiring a business operations manager:

1. You’re struggling to keep up with customer demand.

If you can’t keep up with customer demand, it’s likely that your company is struggling with its production or fulfillment process. In this case, a business operations manager could help you optimize your process and improve your output.

They can analyze your current process and identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies that are causing delays. BOMs can also help you create a plan to improve your production output.

2. You’re experiencing growth but don’t have the resources to support it.

There may come a point when your company experiences rapid growth, but you struggle to keep up due to a lack of resources. In this case, a business operations manager can help you identify and acquire the necessary resources to support your growth. They’ll assist in creating and implementing a plan that will help you scale your business sustainably.

business operations manager doing paperwork

3. You’re having trouble meeting customer expectations.

Customer expectations are constantly evolving, and if your company can’t keep up, you may start to lose customers. A business operations manager can help you understand what your customers expect from you and develop a plan to meet or exceed those expectations. They can also help you create systems that will ensure customer satisfaction is maintained long-term.

4. You’re not making a profit.

No matter how successful your company may be, it’s important to make a profit in order to stay afloat. If you’re not making a profit, it may be because your business is struggling with its financial operations. A business operations manager can help you streamline your financial operations and improve your profitability.

5. You’re not organized.

A disorganized company exhibits a number of symptoms, such as poor communication, low productivity, and customer satisfaction issues. If your company is disorganized, a business operations manager can help you develop and implement organization systems that will improve your performance.

BOMs are experts in creating and implementing process flows, so they can help you get your company organized and running smoothly.

If your company is experiencing any of the above issues, it may be time to consider hiring a business operations manager. A BOM can help you improve your company’s performance in a number of ways, so if you’re struggling, they may be just what you need.

Finding a BOM for your business

So, where can you find a good BOM? There are a few different places to look.

One option is to head to your local business association and see if they have any leads on members who are looking for a new opportunity. Another option is to reach out to executive search firms that specialize in the placement of operations professionals.

Finally, you can also post a job ad online and see what candidates come forward. No matter where you find your BOM, be sure to do your due diligence and vet them thoroughly before making any final decisions.

business operations manager on the phone

Deciding who to hire as business operations manager

When it comes to finding a business operations manager (BOM), there are certain key things you should look for. The first is experience — specifically in the areas of process improvement, project management and change management. You also want someone with strong analytical skills and the ability to see the “big picture”.

Generally, the BOM is someone who finds that they are more of a generalist than a specialist. They have a wide range of skills and can wear many hats within the organization. They understand the business and are able to see how all the different parts work together to create a successful company.

They’re also typically someone who is outgoing, well-spoken and able to build relationships with both internal and external stakeholders. Because the role encompasses so many areas, it’s important that the BOM can effectively communicate with everyone, from the CEO to the front-line employees.

Whoever you hire as your BOM, remember that they are the backbone of your business. Make sure you take the time to find someone who is not only qualified, but also a good fit for your company culture.

business operations manager working

Final thoughts on business operations

There’s no doubt that businesses, regardless of their size and sector, are complex organizations that require a variety of skills in order to succeed. But when it comes to the heart of any business — its operations — there is one key factor that trumps all others: strong operations skills.

This is why business operations managers are so important. They are the ones who make sure that the day-to-day operations of a business run smoothly, and they are the ones who can make or break a company’s success.

If you are looking to hire a BOM for your business — or indeed, wanting to become one yourself — we hope the above has given you some food for thought. Remember, strong operations skills are always the key to success, and a BOM who has these skills will be an invaluable asset to any business.