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Employee Scheduling App: The Merits of Using One -

Employee Scheduling App: The Merits of Using One

If you have ever experienced a work environment where the employee scheduling was completely disorganized, you will know firsthand how detrimental it can be. Not only does this create chaos and confusion for the employees, but it can also lead to scheduling conflicts and a lack of coverage when someone is absent.

In today’s business world, it is more important than ever to have a system in place that helps to organize and manage employee projects and schedules. This is where an employee scheduling app comes in.

an open calendar planner employee scheduling app

If you are in need of a new system to keep your employees organized and on track, it may be time to consider using an employee scheduling app. Keep reading to find out why this may be the best decision for your business. Alternatively, click through the links to find more specific information:

What is an employee scheduling app?

There are many different apps available for improving the efficiency and organization of your business, and employee scheduling apps are one of them. They allow you to create and manage employee schedules, track time off, and more.

Some of the key features of these apps include:

  • The ability to sync schedules with your employees’ phones or other devices. This feature ensures that everyone always has the most up-to-date schedule, which can help reduce confusion and last-minute changes.
  • Automated shift swapping and trading. This feature can save you time and hassle when employees need to switch shifts or trade hours.
  • Time tracking. These apps often include time tracking tools, which allow you to keep track of employee hours and overtime. Time tracking ensures that employees are paid correctly for the hours they work.
  • A dashboard that shows you all of your scheduling information in one place. This can help you quickly and easily see any potential scheduling conflicts or issues.
  • The ability to input time-off requests and track employee absences. This can help you stay on top of who is available to work and ensure that no one falls behind on their work.

While some may feel that purchasing an app for the purpose of scheduling employees is redundant, the outcomes tell a different story. Scheduling apps can save you time and money, and improve the overall organization of your workplace.

a person writing on a sticky note on a wall

Different types of employee scheduling apps

Like any other category of app, employee scheduling apps come in all shapes and sizes. There are basic apps that allow you to simply create and manage your employee schedules, and more complex apps that include features like time tracking and shift swapping.

Time trackers

One of the more common employee scheduling apps is the time tracker. Time trackers are designed to help employers keep track of how much time their employees are spending on specific tasks. This information can be used to create invoices, bill clients, and prove that employees are working the hours they’re supposed to be working.

Time trackers can also be helpful for employees. For example, if an employee is trying to bill clients for their own time, they can use the time tracker to prove how long they worked on a project.

Shift swapping

Another type of employee scheduling app is the shift swapping app. Shift swapping apps allow employees to trade shifts with one another. This can be helpful when someone has to take time off for an unexpected reason or when they would like to work a different shift.

Shift swapping apps can also be helpful for employers. For example, if an employee calls in sick, the employer can use the app to find someone who is willing to switch shifts with the sick employee.

There are also apps that allow employees to pick up extra shifts. These apps work similarly to shift swapping apps, but they allow employees to pick up shifts from other businesses as well. This can be helpful for employees who are looking for additional work or for businesses that are looking for fill-in workers.

Timetabling app

One of the main types of employee scheduling app is a timetable app that allows businesses to plan out their weeks and assign employees to certain shifts. Timetabling apps can also be used to monitor the working hours of employees and help to create rotas. A rota is a plan that allocates employees to shifts at specific times.

Timetabling apps make organizing your team easier by providing a birds-eye view of who is working when. This can help managers to plan their staffing requirements and ensure that they have the right people working at the right times.

a person writing the word "to do" on a pink paper

Leave and absences

There are some scheduling apps that specifically focus on absences and sick leave. These apps allow employees to request time off and see how much vacation they have left. Managers can approve or deny leave requests, and the app will keep track of who is out of the office and when.

By having a designated app for leave requests and recording absences, employers can keep track of how much time their employees are taking off. This information can be helpful when it comes to making future staffing decisions.

In all, there are a wide variety of apps to choose from when it comes to employee scheduling. You don’t strictly need them in order to run your business, it’s true — but apps can be incredibly helpful, and they are sure to boost your efficiency and save you time in the long run!

Finding the right employee scheduling app for your business

There are many different employee scheduling apps available, so it’s important to do your research before choosing one. The app that’s best for your business will depend on the size of your team, the type of business you run, and other factors.

Know your needs

When browsing around for your app, there are a few questions you should answer first:

  1. What kind of features do I need? For example, do you need an app that is strictly for shift scheduling, or do you need one that tracks employee time as well?
  2. What is my budget? Some apps are free, while others have a monthly fee. Consider how much you are willing to invest into the app.
  3. What is my team size? Not all apps are designed for businesses of all sizes. Make sure to find an app that’s right for the number of employees you have.
  4. How tech-savvy are my employees? Some apps require more tech knowledge than others. If your employees aren’t very tech-savvy, you may want to choose an app that is easier to use.

Once you’ve answered these questions, you can start browsing through different apps to find the best one for your business.

Know the app

It’s great to familiarize yourself with your business’s specific needs, but remember to ask questions pertaining to the apps you look at. Carefully consider your app of choice before committing to the purchase.

two people discussing their employee scheduling app

You might ask questions about factors like:

  • Ease of use: How user friendly is the app? Is it simple to add employees and shift times, or does it require a lot of manual input?
  • Customizability: Can the app be tailored to your specific needs, or is it a one size fits all solution?
  • Features: What features does the app offer? Can it help you manage employee leave requests, time tracking, or shift swaps?
  • Price: How much does the app cost? Is it a one time purchase or do you have to pay a subscription fee?

Once you’ve found an employee scheduling app that meets your needs, be sure to test it out thoroughly before making the switch. Have employees try adding their shifts and see if there are any kinks that need to be worked out.

Employee scheduling apps: what are the benefits?

If you have arrived at this article, you may be interested in learning about the specific merits that come with using an employee scheduling app. Applications are used by many businesses nowadays as a convenient and innovative way to stay organized.

There are an array of benefits to automating your scheduling process via an app. Let’s take a look at some of the top reasons why you and your team should make the switch!

Reduced stress

Employee scheduling apps help to reduce stress. By having all of your employee schedules in one place, you can quickly and easily view who is working when and where. This eliminates the need for last-minute scrambling and allows for a more streamlined process overall.

Additionally, if there are ever any changes to be made to the schedule, they can be handled with ease. Your workplace is more likely to have a boosted morale and quality output if stress is reduced to a minimum.

Time saving

One of the greatest benefits of using an employee scheduling app is the amount of time that can be saved. With everything organized and streamlined in one place, there is no need to spend hours upon hours compiling schedules manually.

In fact, many apps will even allow you to sync your schedule with your employees’ smartphones, so that they can always have access to their work schedule on the go. This means that employees will be able to easily see when they are working, and plan their other commitments accordingly.

Additionally, with many apps offering GPS tracking features, you can be sure that your employees are where they are supposed to be when they are scheduled to be there. This can help to boost workplace productivity and accountability.

four people using an employee scheduling app on their laptops

Increased efficiency

One of the most evident benefits of using an employee scheduling app is increased efficiency. When schedules are automated, employees can easily view their shifts and changes on a mobile device or computer.

This eliminates the need for managers or employees to spend time calling or emailing each other to inquire about shifts. With everything in one place, employees can easily plan their work week around their other commitments.

When you have an app that automates the scheduling process, you and your team are able to input and manage shift requests much faster and more easily. This means that changes can be made on the fly, as needed, without having to go through a lengthy approval process.

Easier communication

Another advantage of using an employee scheduling app is that it facilitates communication between employees and managers. In addition to viewing their schedules, employees can also see notes or comments that have been left for them by their supervisor. This allows for a more efficient means of communication that is less likely to be misinterpreted.

With an employee scheduling app, communication is streamlined and all team members have instant access to the latest information. This eliminates the need for team members to constantly be checking in with one another to see who is working when, and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Greater flexibility

An employee scheduling app gives you and your team the freedom to easily manage shift swaps, time-off requests, and overtime hours. This ensures that everyone has the flexibility they need to balance their work and personal lives.

Increased accuracy

Since all of your team’s shift information is housed in one place, it is much less likely for errors to occur. This means that you can trust the schedule to be accurate and up-to-date.

With all of these benefits in mind, it’s easy to see why companies are making the switch to app systems in droves. Not only are apps far more efficient and secure than doing things manually, but they also automate those arduous processes that would normally take up valuable time you could be spending elsewhere.

an employee scheduling app installed on a tablet

Employee Scheduling App: Bottom line

Employee scheduling apps are not essential for running a tight ship, but they certainly make it more achievable — and they make the journey to success a lot less bumpy, too. To smooth the bottlenecks and iron out the rough patches, sometimes all you need is a new and improved system.

If you are yet to delve into the world of application-based monitoring systems, you might like to begin by using a simple time tracking app like Time trackers are fairly simple to implement within your business, and it will help ease you into using other scheduling apps.

Ready to start boosting your efficiency with no limits? Try out employee scheduling apps and see what a difference automation makes to your everyday business routine!