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Employee Time Clock: Get the Most Out of It -
Employee Time Clock: Get the Most Out of It

Employee Time Clock: Get the Most Out of It

When running a business, keeping track of company time is no walk in the park — especially if you are keeping manual timesheets (or worse, not tracking time at all!)

This is where an employee time clock can really come to the rescue. By automatically tracking employee time, you can reduce administrative time by hours each week and ensure that everyone is on the same page with their hours worked.

a person looking at their smartwatch employee time clock

In this article, we will discuss how to get the most out of your employee time clock, covering everything from setting up your time clock to tracking employee hours. Keep reading for tips on how to use your employee time clock to its full advantage.

What is an employee time clock — and why use one?

In the digital age, there is no need to waste time on manual hour tracking. Many apps and software programs exist that will do the work for you. Time clocks, or time tracking software, are designed to help you keep track of the hours your employees work. They can also be helpful in calculating wages and overtime pay.

There are a few different types of employee time clocks. Some track time by the hour, others by the day. Some clocks require an employee to swipe a card or input a PIN, while others use biometric data such as fingerprints or retinal scans.

So, why use an employee time clock app?


With an employee time clock, you can be assured that the hours your employees are working are accurately tracked. This eliminates the need for manual tracking and guessing on hours worked.


Time clocks help to automate the payroll process by calculating wages and overtime pay automatically. This saves time and energy that would otherwise be spent on manual calculations.


In order to comply with labor laws, it is important to track employee hours. Time clocks make this process easy and ensure that your business is in compliance with all relevant regulations.

Organized Records

Accurate time clock data can be used to generate detailed reports on employee productivity and time usage. This data can help you to identify areas where your employees could be more productive and make changes accordingly.

a person looking at their laptop screen while smiling

Now that you know a little bit more about the benefits of using an employee time clock, let’s take a look at how to get the most out of your time clock app.

Choosing the right time clock for your business

The first step to making the most of your time clock is to choose the best one for your specific business needs. There are a variety of time clocks on the market, from traditional punch clocks to cloud-based systems that allow employees to clock in and out from their smartphones.

When choosing a time clock, consider the number of employees you have, the type of work they do, and how much flexibility you need in terms of hours worked.

If you have a lot of hourly employees who work different shifts, you’ll need a time clock that allows for manual entry of hours worked. If your employees are all salaried, a cloud-based system may be the best option, as it will allow them to clock in and out from anywhere.

As you look for a time clock app, ask yourself the following questions:

1. What features are important to me?

2. How many employees do I have?

3. Do my employees work different hours or shifts?

4. What kind of technology do my employees prefer or feel comfortable using?

5. Is there a time clock that integrates with my payroll system?

These guiding questions will steer you in the right direction toward choosing the best time clock for your business.

Learning how to use your employee time clock

After you have found the right time clock for your business, your next task is to familiarize yourself with how it works. Many clocks have manuals that come with them, but you can also find helpful guides and tutorials online.

a white clock, a black pen, a white phone on a pile of papers

Most time clocks use a card or badge system in which employees “swipe” their cards to clock in and out. This system records the time and date of each punch, making it easy to track employee hours.

Some time clocks also use biometric scanning, which scans an employee’s fingerprints or eye for identification. This system is more secure than a card or badge system, as it cannot be copied or stolen.

If you are using time clock software, familiarize yourself with the features and how to use them. The software should allow you to track employee hours, create reports, and more.

Some of the main features to look for in a time clock app are:

  • Employee time tracking
  • Time off tracking
  • Payroll integration
  • Customizable reports
  • Mobile app access

Explore your app and its features so that you know exactly what it has to offer your team. After all, once you know how to use the time clock, you will be able to more effectively track time and measure productivity.

Setting up your employee time clock

As you begin integrating a time clock within your business, ensure that you set it up properly so that everyone can easily access it and use it daily. First and foremost, designate one specific area in the office for employees to clock in and out. This will help keep everyone organized and minimize confusion.

If you are using a time clock app like, make sure everyone has the app downloaded onto their smartphone or device. You may also want to consider placing a physical time clock in the office for employees who do not have access to a smartphone or device.

Additionally, it is best to create clear protocols for clocking in and out. For example, if an employee is running late, what is the appropriate procedure? Will they need to call a supervisor or can they clock in online? By setting up your time clock properly and establishing clear guidelines, you can help ensure that everyone is using it effectively.

a snake plant on a pot, a computer monitor and keyboard, a wooden table, two white chairs, and a calendar on a white wall

Make sure that all employees are aware of how to use the time clock. Some systems have built-in tutorials, but if not, be sure to provide clear instructions on how to clock in and out. This includes specifying how to download the app and log their hours properly.

If you have a remote workforce, be sure to take into account the time difference when setting up your employee time clock. For example, if you have employees in Los Angeles and New York, make sure that the time clock is set to Pacific Standard Time and Eastern Standard Time, respectively.

By taking the time to properly establish your time clock within the business, you will position yourself and your team to make the most of tracking their time.

Getting your employees and team members on board

Implementing a time tracking system can be tricky, and sometimes, it will be difficult to get your whole team on board. It’s important to make sure that all employees know about the change and understand why it is being made. If possible, try to have a meeting with your team to discuss the time tracking system and answer any questions they may have.

To smoothly transition your team into using the new employee time clock, be sure to:

  • Train everyone on how to use the time clock.
  • Explain the benefits of using a time clock, such as decreased payroll mistakes and more accurate time tracking.
  • Encourage employees to input their hours as they work them (rather than at the end of the day).
  • Make sure all employees are aware of the company’s policies and procedures for time tracking.

With the whole team on board, you are more likely to see positive results from your employee time clock, as everyone will know how to use it for the best outcomes.

Using your employee time clock for optimal outcomes

Once your time clock system has been established within your business, you are ready to learn how you can get the most out of your employee time clock. To use your time clock most effectively, take the following steps:

1. Have all employees clock in and out for their shifts

This includes part-time, full-time, and temporary employees. If someone is working a shift that is not their normal hours, they should still clock in and out for that shift.

2. Keep accurate records of employee time worked

This includes time worked during overtime, on weekends, and on holidays.

a person writing on a whiteboard

3. Review your employee time clock records regularly

Doing so will help you identify any potential problems with employee time tracking and help ensure that all employees are being paid for the hours they have worked.

4. Use your employee time clock to schedule employees for their shifts

This includes using the time clock to create or modify employee schedules.

5. Use your employee time clock to generate reports on employee hours worked

These reports can be used for payroll, scheduling, and other administrative purposes.

By taking these steps, you can rest assured that your employee time clock is being used to its full advantage.

Tip: Once you have time tracking data to generate reports, you can use these reports to look at how productive your employees are and where changes can be made to resolve any bottlenecks or time-wasting activities!

Bottom line

Most businesses have a time tracking system in place, but many organizations are unaware of how to use their time clock properly. This means that, while they may be keeping accurate records of company time, they are missing out on some of the benefits that come with optimal time clock use.

Hopefully, the above tips have given you some direction on how to make the most of your employee time clock. Remember — the more effort you put into it, the greater your return will be!