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10 Employee Time Trackers to Streamline Your Workflow -
Streamline Your Startup's Time Management with These Top 10 Employee Time Trackers

10 Employee Time Trackers to Streamline Your Workflow

As a startup owner, you know that every second counts. Time management is essential to the success of your business, but it can be a challenge to keep track of how your employees spend their time. 

That’s where employee time-tracking tools come in. By using the right software, you can streamline your workflow and ensure your team uses their time efficiently. 

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 employee time trackers for startups in 2023 to help you choose the best tool for your business needs. Discover how these software options can help you take your startup to the next level!

Throughout this article, we’ll discuss:

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What are the Features of an Employee Time Tracker?

Employee time-tracking tools help you monitor, track, and analyze how your employees spend their time daily. These tools typically include features like:

1. Real-time Activity Monitoring

Time tracker for employees allows you to keep an eye on your employees and their progress in real-time. This helps you identify any bottlenecks or delays that could be hampering productivity. 

You can also see the amount of time spent on specific tasks, allowing you to take corrective measures if necessary.

2. Tracking of Work Hours and Breaks

With the help of an employee time-tracking tool, you can track your team’s working hours and breaks. This helps ensure that everyone rests enough and abides by the company’s rules around break times. You can also record each employee’s total work hours for payroll purposes.

3. Overtime Tracking

Overtime is a common issue in startups, as employees often work late hours to meet deadlines. An employee time-tracking tool can help you monitor overtime and prevent unnecessary costs by closely monitoring working hours. This feature also allows you to reward your team for their extra effort when needed. 

4. GPS and Biometric Authentication Time Clock

GPS and biometric authentication time clocks help you monitor employee attendance accurately. This helps prevent any fraudulent activities, such as buddy punching or ghosting. These authentication methods also ensure that employees are present during their working hours. 

5. Time off Request Handling

Time off requests can be a hassle for leave management, especially when they arrive at the last minute. Employee time trackers offer an automated way to handle these requests, making it easier for you and your team. 

You can also generate reports on the number of vacation days each employee or department takes. 

6. Timesheet Creation

Employee time-tracking tools can create timesheets for your employees. This makes it easier to track the hours worked by each employee, allowing you to manage payroll more efficiently. You can also use timesheets to monitor productivity and ensure all tasks are timely. 

7. Reporting and Analytics

Time-tracking tools come with reporting and analytics features that allow you to track and measure key performance indicators (KPIs). This helps you identify areas of improvement and make more data-driven decisions. You can also use the reports to forecast future staffing needs accurately. 

8. Invoice Creation and Management

Modern-day workplaces are increasingly relying on freelance employees and contractors. An employee time-tracking tool can help you create invoices for these workers quickly and accurately. This feature also helps you manage payments efficiently by tracking the due amount and sending reminders to clients who haven’t paid. 

9. Integration with Project Management Platforms 

Employee time-tracking tools can be integrated with popular project management platforms like Asana, Jira, and Trello. This integration allows you to track the progress of projects in real time and assign tasks quickly. 

Integrating project management software also enables you to generate reports on employee performance and productivity for better insights into your team’s work. 

a clipboard for open projects

Benefits of Using Time Tracker for Startups

Time-tracking software can provide several benefits to startups, such as: 

  • Better workflow management: Time tracking software can help you track how your employees spend their time so you know where to focus your efforts. This will allow you to prioritize tasks better and ensure everything runs smoothly. 
  • Productivity improvement: Using a time tracker for startups, you can get an accurate picture of how much time each employee spends on specific tasks. This information can be used to identify areas where employees could work more efficiently or where they may need additional training. 
  • Reduced costs associated with time tracking: With the right software, you won’t have to invest money into manual time-tracking processes like paper timesheets. This can save you a lot of money in the long run.
  • Gaining better insights into employee performance: An employee time-tracking tool will also provide valuable information about your team’s performance. You’ll be able to easily spot any areas where employees may need additional support or training and identify top performers who are exceeding expectations. 
  • Identifying potential issues and opportunities for improvement: By monitoring your teams’ timesheets, you can quickly pinpoint any problems or areas for improvement that could affect their productivity. This way, you can take action and improve your team’s efficiency.

Alt-text: Employee time trackers can help with reporting and analytics

Benefits of Using Time Tracker for Employees

Time tracking software is not just useful for startup owners, but it also provides many benefits for employees. Here are some of the benefits of using a time tracker for employees:

  • Better time management: Time tracking software can help employees to better manage their time and prioritize their tasks. By tracking their time, employees can see where they are spending their time and identify areas where they can work more efficiently.
  • Increased productivity: When employees use a time tracker, they can focus on their work without the need to manually track their hours. This can help them to stay focused and work more efficiently, resulting in increased productivity.
  • Reduced stress: Manual time tracking processes can be stressful for employees, especially when they have to keep track of their hours manually. With time tracking software, employees can easily track their time without the need for manual input, reducing their stress levels.
  • Accurate payment: Time tracking software ensures accurate payment for employees. They can be confident that they will be paid accurately for the hours they have worked, without any errors or discrepancies.
  • Career development: By tracking their time, employees can identify areas where they need to improve their skills or where they are excelling. This information can be used for career development purposes, allowing employees to grow professionally.
  • Transparency: Time tracking software provides transparency in the workplace, as employees can see how much time they are spending on each task. This helps to build trust between employees and management, and fosters a more open and collaborative work environment.

Best 10 Employee Time Trackers in 2023

When choosing the best employee time tracker for your startup, you need to consider the features and benefits of each option. 

1. – Overall the Best Employee Time Tracker in 2023 timesheet - the best employee time tracker is a comprehensive employee time tracker for startups in 2023. It allows you to record and analyze how your team spends their time, so you can make data-driven decisions about optimizing productivity. 

With, you can easily create tasks and assign them to team members, track hours spent on projects, generate timesheets and invoices for clients, compare monthly performance reports across departments, and much more! 


  • Real-time employee time tracking with an easy-to-use time clock
  • GPS and biometric validation measures to prevent fraud
  • Automated timesheet creation with custom views
  • Employee scheduling and attendance tracking
  • Project management with task assignment, collaboration, and progress tracking 
  • Integration with payroll software for streamlined invoicing
  • Time off approval and management
  • Real-time tracking of billable and non-billable hours 
  • Comprehensive analytics with customizable reports
  • Powerful API for custom integrations 


  • Project and time tracker: From $6 per user/month
  • Time and attendance tracker: From $4 per user/month

2. ProofHub – Time Tracker with Employees with Collaboration Features

ProofHub Projects Page - one of the best employee time tracker

ProofHub is a popular employee time tracker for startups in 2023. It allows you to track your team’s performance and monitor their progress on tasks. You can easily assign tasks, add comments, attach files, and create reports with just a few clicks. 

With real-time activity tracking and powerful collaboration tools, you can ensure your team is always on the same page and working towards the same goals. 


  • Time tracking with task assignment and progress tracking
  • Real-time activity monitoring for remote team management
  • Customizable reports for project analysis
  • File sharing, commenting, and feedback features for better collaboration
  • Gantt charts and calendar view for project scheduling
  • Integration with other project management tools for seamless workflow


From $50/month, flat pricing for unlimited users. 

3. Hours TimeLord – Easy-to-use Time Tracker for Employees

Hours TimeLord iOS app - an employee time tracker

Hours TimeLord is an easy-to-use employee time tracker designed specifically for startups. It offers automated tracking of billable and non-billable hours, so you can quickly generate accurate timesheets for clients. 

The easily-adjustable drag-and-drop slider allows you to adjust the hours for each task as needed. You can also generate reports, set reminders for upcoming deadlines, and add notes to tasks. 


  • Automated tracking of billable and non-billable hours
  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop time tracker
  • Customizable reporting with detailed timesheets
  • Reminders and notifications for upcoming deadlines
  • Note-taking and task management features


From $9.99 per user/year. 

4. Time Doctor – Time Tracker with Project Management Features

Timer for break time running on the Time Doctor Macbook app - an employee time tracker

Time Doctor is one of the most advanced and feature-rich employee time trackers for startups in 2023. With its powerful project management features, you can track progress on projects and tasks, set deadlines and goals, manage resources, create invoices for clients, analyze team performance reports, and much more.


  • Time tracking with project management and progress tracking
  • Employee activity monitoring for productivity analysis
  • Automated timesheet creation with billable hours tracking
  • Integration with other project management tools for streamlined workflow
  • Client invoicing and payments management features


  • Basic: $7 per user/month
  • Standard: $10 per user/month
  • Premium: $20 per user/month

5. Tick – Time Tracking with Budget and Estimation

Creating a new project on Tick - an employee time tracker

Tick is a great employee time tracker for startups in 2023 that combines time tracking with budget and estimation features. With Tick, you can easily set budgets for your projects and track progress against those budgets. You can also use its built-in estimating tools to create quotes for new clients and projects.


  • Customizable project management and task assignment
  • Time tracking with budget and estimation features
  • Real-time progress tracking and deadline management
  • Time tracking integrations with popular project management tools
  • Reports with insights into project status and profitability


  • 1 project: Free
  • Up to 10 projects: $19/month
  • Up to 30 projects: $49/month
  • Unlimited projects: $149/month

6. RescueTime – Employee Time Tracker with Focus Management and Activity Tracker 

RescueTime dashboard - one of the best employee time tracker

RescueTime is a popular employee time tracker for startups that comes with focus management and activity tracking features. It helps your team to focus on what’s important by tracking time spent on different apps and websites. You can set goals, receive alerts when you spend too much time on certain activities and get detailed reports on how you and your team spend your time.


  • Automated time tracking to help you understand how you spend your workday.
  • FocusTime feature to block distracting websites and apps during work hours.
  • Detailed reports on time usage, productivity, and goals.
  • Customizable alerts to help you stay on track.
  • Integration with other apps and tools for better productivity management.


Starts from $12 per user/month

7. Qbserve – Keyword-based Time Tracker

Qbserve overview

Qbserve is a unique keyword-based employee time tracker that automatically tracks time based on the apps and websites you use. It helps you stay focused by blocking distracting websites and apps during work hours. You can also use Qbserve’s reports to see how you’re spending your time, set productivity goals, and track your progress over time.


  • Automatic tracking of time spent on apps and websites based on keywords.
  • Customizable productivity score that reflects your workday efficiency.
  • Reports on how much time you spend on productive and unproductive activities.
  • Inactivity tracking to ensure accurate tracking of work hours.
  • Integration with calendar apps to provide a more accurate picture of your day


One-time payment of $1500 per business, unlimited users

8. QuickBooks Time – Time Tracker with Accounts Integration

Quickbooks map

QuickBooks Time is an employee time tracker that integrates with QuickBooks accounts. This allows you to easily track and bill time spent on different projects and clients. With QuickBooks Time, you can create invoices, run payroll, and get detailed reports on employee time spent on different projects.


  • Time tracking and easy timesheet management.
  • Integration with QuickBooks accounting software for streamlined invoicing.
  • Customizable timesheet approvals and employee permissions.
  • Project tracking and management with job costing.
  • Mobile app for time tracking on the go


  • Starter package: $17 per user/month
  • Essentials: $26 per user/month
  • Plus: $36 per user/month

9. BeeBole – Time Tracker with Timesheet Generator

BeeBole's team calendar

BeeBole is a comprehensive employee time tracker for startups in 2023 that comes with a powerful timesheet generator. It allows you to track time spent on projects, create reports, and manage your team’s time off requests all in one place. You can also use its built-in invoicing features to generate invoices for clients based on hours worked.


  • Customizable timesheet creation with drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Automatic time tracking with manual override options.
  • Vacation and time off management with accrual tracking.
  • Employee scheduling and availability management.
  • Integration with payroll and project management software for a complete workflow solution


€6.99 per user/month

10. timeBro – Automated Time Tracker with Desktop App

tmieBro recorded programs

timeBro is a powerful automated employee time tracker that comes with a desktop app for easy tracking. It uses machine learning algorithms to automatically track the time you spend on different tasks and projects. You can also use timeBro’s reporting features to get detailed insights into how you’re spending your time and identify areas for improvement.


  • Automatic tracking of time spent on apps, websites, and tasks.
  • Project and task management with progress tracking and deadlines.
  • Automatic time categorization with customizable rules.
  • Offline time tracking with the desktop app and mobile app options.
  • Reports on productivity, efficiency, and billable hours for client billing and business analysis


  • Basic: €12 per user/month
  • Connect: €15 per user/month 
  • Premium: €25 per user/month 
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Wrap-up: Utilize Employee Time Trackers for Startup

Employee time trackers are essential tools for any business, especially startups. They can help you monitor how your team spends their time and ensure everyone works efficiently. With the right software, you can streamline your workflow and save precious resources while keeping on top of tasks. 

We’ve listed our top 10 employee time trackers in 2023 to get you started on finding the perfect tool for your startup needs. As long as you carefully consider each option’s features, benefits, and cost, you should be able to find the right time tracker for your business. has topped our list as the overall best employee time tracker in 2023. This comprehensive software offers a range of features to help you manage your team’s workflow, including project management and collaboration tools. Try today!