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How A Timesheet Template Can Improve Your Business -
timesheet template

How A Timesheet Template Can Improve Your Business

Tracking your time during business hours is not only beneficial in recording employee productivity, but can also help improve your business as a whole. By understanding how much time is being spent on each task, you can better estimate how long projects will take to complete and make necessary adjustments to your timeline.

For example, tracking your time lets you see where employees are spending most of their time during business hours. If you see employees are spending a lot of time on personal calls or browsing the internet, you can take steps to rectify the situation.

There are many ways you can track time to improve your business. One of them is a timesheet template. This tool can help you provide a consistent format for tracking employee time, as well as help you stay organized and on top of projects.

There are many timesheet templates available online, but finding one that fits your business’s needs is essential. You want to make sure that the template you choose can be customized to fit your company’s specific time tracking needs.

employee taking a break

In this article, we’re going to discuss:

  • What is a timesheet, and why is it important?
  • The essence of timesheet compliance
  • What is a timesheet template?
  • How can a timesheet template improve your business?
  • What to look for in a timesheet template?

In this way, you can be sure that you’re getting the most out of this tool and improving your business operations in the process.

What is a timesheet, and why is it important?

A timesheet is a data table employers use to record the hours worked by their employees during a certain period. The template helps payroll and HR departments to calculate workers’ salaries and track their attendance. There are many methods for implementing timesheets in your business — you can either use a paper timesheet or an electronic timesheet template.

phone calculator

Using a timesheet is important for calculating how much each employee should be paid. This is because the total amount of hours worked will be multiplied by the hourly rate to get the employee’s wages.

In addition, timesheets help businesses keep track of employee attendance. This is essential for businesses, especially those that consider attendance as a factor in performance evaluation.

The essence of timesheet compliance

Timesheet compliance is as important as ever in today’s business world. Not knowing the efficiency of employees and how they spend their time on projects can lead to big problems down the road.

For example, if your employee worked around 10 hours per day, and you only paid them for 8, you would be violating the law. Furthermore, if you don’t keep track of their time, you won’t know how much to pay them, which can put your business at risk.

Knowing the importance of timesheet compliance, many businesses have started to use timesheet templates to improve their processes and systems. Timesheet templates help businesses keep track of their employee’s time, so they can be sure they comply with the law. In addition, timesheet templates help businesses improve their communication with employees.

What is a timesheet template, exactly?

If you want seamless and easy time tracking for your business, you need a timesheet template. This is a ready-made document that you can use to input the hours your employees worked for a certain period. This way, you can keep track of their time, calculate their wages, and monitor their performance.

time displayed on a computer screen

This document includes necessary details, such as the name of the employee, the date, the start and end time of their shift, and the total hours worked. You can find timesheet templates online or create your own using a word processing program.

How can a timesheet template improve your business?

A timesheet template can benefit your business in several ways, such as:

1. Helps you save time

Time is money, and this rings true in businesses. The more time you spend tracking employee hours, the less time you have to focus on other important aspects of running your business. A timesheet template can automate this process for you, freeing up your time to focus on other tasks.

Aside from that, using a timesheet template can provide a quick and easy way for employees to clock in and out, and to track their hours worked. This can be a big time-saver, especially if you have a large workforce.

2. Improves accuracy

With a timesheet template, you can say goodbye to the days of manual inputting and tracking of employee hours. This also means goodbye to costly errors that can come with manual input. Automating the process with a timesheet template can help improve the accuracy of your employee hours tracking.

In comparison with manual timesheet cards, you won’t have to waste pen ink and paper. You can also keep a neat and clean timesheet system that will be easy to follow and manage. Furthermore, it’s more difficult to lose or misplace a digital timesheet template.

3. Helps you stay organized

A timesheet template can help you stay organized by keeping all employee hours in one central location. This can be especially helpful if you have employees who work remotely or at different locations. Having all hours in one place can help you stay on top of employee hours and avoid any overlap in hours worked.

In addition, a timesheet template can aid your business in complying with labor laws. By keeping track of employee hours, you can ensure that your employees are not working excessive hours and that they are being paid for all the hours they work. This can help you avoid any potential legal issues.

timesheet template organizer

4. Keeps your business compliant

Depending on your industry, there may be regulations in place regarding employee hours tracking. A timesheet template can help you stay compliant with these regulations by ensuring all hours are accurately tracked. This can help avoid any penalties or fines that may come with non-compliance.

For example, if your country requires employers to track employee hours for tax purposes, a timesheet template can help you meet this requirement. Furthermore, if you’re still using a manual system, there’s a chance that you’re not compliant. Switching to an automated system can help you avoid any penalties.

5. Makes payroll easier

One of the most important benefits of a timesheet template is that it can make payroll easier. When all employee hours are accurately tracked, it makes calculating payroll a much simpler task. This can save you time and money in the long run.

For instance, if you’re using manual timesheet cards, you’ll need to spend time transferring the data to a payroll program. This can be time-consuming and is prone to error. With a timesheet template, all of the data is already in a digital format, so it can be imported into your payroll program with just a few clicks.

6. Keeps employees accountable

Another benefit of a timesheet template is that it can help keep employees accountable. When employees know their hours are being tracked, they’re more likely to be punctual and to take their breaks. This can lead to increased productivity and fewer issues with tardiness or absenteeism.

If you’ve been struggling with employee accountability, a timesheet template can help you take back control. By tracking employee hours, you can identify issues early on and take steps to address them. This can help you nip problems in the bud and keep your business running smoothly.

7. Improves communication

A timesheet template can also help managers and staff communicate better. Employees are more inclined to communicate with their bosses if they know their hours are being logged. This can aid in the prevention of misconceptions and misinterpretations.

discussing timesheet templates

If you’ve been having trouble keeping your staff informed, a timesheet template can help. You can ensure that everyone is on the same page by tracking staff hours. This might aid in the improvement of communication and the seamless operation of your firm.

These are just a few of the key benefits that come with using timesheet templates. Upon integrating them into your business, you’ll be amazed at how smoothly your operations begin to run!

What to look for in a timesheet template?

There are various factors that you need to keep in mind when you’re looking for a timesheet template. Below are some key considerations:

Ease of use

A timesheet template is nothing if your employees cannot use it. That’s why you have to ensure that the template you’ll be using for your operations is easy to use and understand. Otherwise, you’ll just end up with frustrated employees who would rather not use the system at all.

Furthermore, the best workflow and productivity apps are those with a low skill ceiling. Features should be easily accessible, and the template should be intuitive enough that employees will know what to do without having to go through a lot of trial and error.


Of course, another important thing to consider in a timesheet template is accuracy. This is essential in calculating employee payroll, as well as in monitoring employee productivity.

There are many timesheet template providers that offer features that allow you to track employee hours with great accuracy. Look for these features when choosing a template for your business.


Not all businesses are created equal, which is why you need a timesheet template that is flexible enough to meet the needs of your specific business. Whether you need to track employee hours, project deadlines, or client billing, make sure the template you choose can be customized to fit your business needs.

For instance, if your company wants a timesheet that itemizes the hours worked on each project, look for a template that offers this option. It must include spaces for employees to fill in the details of the project, the hours spent, and the rate per hour.

working on a timesheet template


If you’re going for an online timesheet template, make sure that you can customize it based on your specific needs. Depending on the size and nature of your business, you might want to track employee hours in different ways.

For example, you might want to track project-based hours or billable hours. Choose a template that allows you to track the data you need in the way that you need it.

You can also have a template that automatically deducts tax or any other type of employee benefits from their paycheck. This will save you a lot of time when it comes to issuing payroll.


Compatibility is an important factor when it comes to choosing a timesheet template, because if it is not compatible with the software you are using, it can cause a lot of issues. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the template you choose is compatible with the software you are using in your business.

For instance, if your company uses Microsoft Excel, then you will need to find a timesheet template that is compatible with that software. In this way, you won’t have to struggle with converting the template into a compatible format, which can be time-consuming and may even result in data loss.


Of course, budget is important when looking for a timesheet template. It doesn’t matter if the template is free or not, what matters is that it meets your needs. However, if you want a template that has certain features that you can only get with a paid template, then, by all means, go ahead and spend the money.

However, it doesn’t mean you’ll go beyond your budget. There are a lot of affordable timesheet templates out there that can still give you what you need. Just be patient in your search, and you’ll find one that fits your budget.

Final thoughts

Improving your business with a timesheet template is a great way to ensure that your company is running as efficiently as possible. With accurate data, you can make better decisions about where to allocate your resources. This can help you improve your bottom line and keep your business running smoothly.

However, always make sure to test out your template with a small group of employees before implementing it company-wide. This will help you work out any kinks and ensure that everyone is on board with the new system.