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How To Perform A Human Resource Appraisal -

How To Perform A Human Resource Appraisal

Human Resource Appraisals are an essential tool for managing your organization and promoting its growth. However, it can be one of the most daunting tasks for a manager to perform. Therefore, it’s important to have an effective HR appraisal system to stay competitive and ensure your company is staffed with the best talent.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process for performing successful human resource appraisals in the workplace.

The Purpose of Appraisals

Appraisals are done for several reasons. For one, they help to identify areas where an employee needs improvement or change. These problems can be long-standing, and necessary changes may not always present themselves until the appraisal is complete.

It also allows you as the manager to see whether your employees are satisfied with their job duties or if there’s anything else they’d like to do or be involved in. Also, the appraisal process can help enhance relationships between employees and managers.

Steps on How to Perform an HR Appraisal

An HR appraisal involves several steps to be completed accurately:

Determine What Is Required of Each Employee for This Particular Role

First, determine what is expected of each employee as part of their job duties and responsibilities. You can do this by checking formal documentation such as their contract or informal evidence like feedback from other employees and staff meetings.

Review the Company’s Mission Statement and Goals

The next step in performing a human resource appraisal is to review the company’s mission statement and goals. This will ensure you align with organizational objectives and make it easier for employees to participate in their own appraisal process.

Determine How Well Each Employee Has Met These Goals

Determining how well each employee has met these goals and objectives will give you a good idea of what areas need development and what strengths should continue.

You can accomplish this by using performance appraisals, evaluations by supervisors, and other relevant data to guide your assessment of this person’s performance. It can also include information gathered from the employee’s peers and direct reports.

Evaluate the Person’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Evaluating the person’s strengths and weaknesses will help you identify what areas they would benefit from continuing to do the action and where improvements need to be made.

This can include information gathered during interviews with other employees, supervisors, direct reports, peers, etc. It should also consider feedback regarding their performance concerning company objectives.

You should evaluate the person as an individual contributor or team member and their level of commitment to the organization. The company should also consider their interpersonal skills, their cost-effectiveness, and the potential for future contributions.

Discuss Your Appraisal Results With the Employee

Once you have completed your appraisal, it’s time to discuss it with the employee.

Discussing your appraisal results with the person being appraised will allow you to highlight strengths and areas for development. It can also help them identify new opportunities within their current role or broaden their career path if they are interested in doing so.

First, give them a chance to ask any questions they might have about their performance or appraisals in general. You must be open and transparent throughout this process as it can be an intimidating experience for employees if there is no communication between the manager and staff.

Then, go through your appraisal results and tell them the areas where they have been doing well. It will help to give them a sense of confidence going forward in their role while building on their strengths.

Make Recommendations for Improvement

At this point, you should make recommendations for development and improvement based on the findings of your assessment. These can include changes that need to be made within your department or the company as a whole.

If you feel that the person would benefit from changing jobs, it’s important to inform them of this possibility before leaving. This will help ensure they can find new employment quickly and with minimal disruption for both themselves and their team members.

You can also discuss areas where employees are doing well or exceeding expectations concerning company objectives.

Explain the Plan on How You’ll Help Them Improve Based on the Recommendations

The final step in the appraisal process is to explain how you will help employees improve or develop their skills and abilities.

Explaining your plan for development with the person being appraised can be an excellent way of closing out any feelings they might have, particularly ones of intimidation, during this entire process. It also allows them to move forward as a more confident and capable individual who is aware of the areas where they need to develop.

You can explain that you can offer training or coaching, provide them with the necessary resources to acquire new skills or knowledge, and help them in their career path. You can also provide a mentor for guidance or support when they need it most.

What You Should Do if an Employee Refuses Your Assessment

If a staff member disagrees with the findings of your appraisal and insists on having it reviewed by another party, then this is something you can consider.

You can ask another party, like another manager or HR representative, if they would be willing to conduct a review of your appraisal and provide their opinion about whether or not you have accurately assessed the employee in question.

Asking another representative is only recommended for serious cases where disagreement has prevented a consensus from being reached and should not be used as a way to circumvent the appraisal process or avoid making difficult decisions.

Moreover, to address your employee’s concerns, you can also ask for their input on improving the assessment process. This will help create a more open dialogue between you and your staff members, which might resolve issues they may have with the appraisal process in general.

Key Points to Remember About Doing an HR Appraisal

There are a few key points that you should remember when performing an HR appraisal. These include:

Always Start With Positive Comments and Try to End on a High Note

It is crucial to maintain a professional working relationship with your employees, so always start the appraisal on a positive note, even if their performance is not up to par.

Furthermore, try to end the meeting on a high note by focusing on areas for improvement and providing suggestions for overcoming these challenges to succeed at work.

By starting with positive comments and ending on a high note, you can avoid putting your staff member down or making them feel disheartened about their performance issues and instead focus on providing constructive feedback that can help them succeed.

Always Document Everything About Your Performance Reviews

Whenever you have a meeting with an employee, it is important to write down the details, preventing any confusion and miscommunication issues later on. It should cover all aspects of their job and their performance, including areas for improvement.

By documenting everything about your performance reviews, you can create a record of events that will help both parties remember what was discussed and agreed upon.

Keep the Employee’s Career Interests in Mind

It’s important to keep the employee’s career interests in mind when conducting an appraisal so that you can help them achieve their full potential. This means knowing their strengths and weaknesses, what they want to accomplish in the company, and how you can help them do this.

Keeping your employee’s career interests in mind when conducting an appraisal will make it easier for you to motivate them with a meaningful achievable goal, so they feel confident about continuing at their job instead of feeling unsatisfied or wanting to move on.

Be Honest but Tactful

Another point to remember is being honest with your staff members while also tactful whenever you provide feedback. This means focusing on giving constructive criticism to help them succeed in the workplace instead of avoiding difficult conversations or making excuses for their performance issues.

Keep It Short and Simple

When conducting an HR appraisal, it’s important to keep the meeting short and straightforward so you avoid overwhelming your staff member with too many details and taking up a significant amount of time. This will help them take what was discussed during the meeting into practice at work for them to succeed.

Always Try to Keep an Open Line of Communication With Employee

Finally, it’s important to keep an open line of communication with your employees. This means providing them with regular feedback and holding periodic meetings so that you can address any issues they may be having before they escalate into something more serious or problematic for the company.

Keeping an open line of communication between yourself and your staff members will make it easier for them to ask questions, discuss any issues, and improve their work performance.


A human resource appraisal is an important step for any company to maintain a positive work environment and ensure that staff members perform at their best.

There are many factors to consider when conducting an appraisal, but by following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can achieve a successful human resource appraisal that will help your team succeed.