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How to Set and Achieve Your OKRs -

How to Set and Achieve Your OKRs

Setting and achieving goals is the key to success in any field. However, many people find it difficult to set effective goals. One popular method for goal setting is OKRs (Objectives and Key Results). In this article, we will explain what OKRs are and how you can use them to achieve your personal or professional goals.

How to Set and Achieve Your OKRs

What are OKRs and Why Do I Need Them?

OKRs are a framework for setting and measuring progress towards specific goals. They consist of objectives, which are the things you want to achieve, and key results, which are the measurable milestones you need to hit to achieve your objective.

They can be used for personal or professional goal setting and adapted to any organization size or industry. One of the benefits of using OKRs is that they help ensure that everyone in an organization is aware of and working towards the same goals.

If you don’t currently use OKRs, there’s no need to worry — we’ll explain how to set them up below. But first, let’s take a look at some reasons why you might want to start using them:

Increased Focus and Clarity

Defining your objectives and key results helps clarify what you’re trying to achieve and makes it easier to track your progress. This increased focus can help improve productivity and motivation.

Better Communication

By sharing your OKRs with others in your organization, you create transparency around everyone’s goals and help ensure that everyone is working towards the same targets. This can lead to better communication and collaboration between team members.

Improved Accountability

Having clear objectives and measurable key results helps ensure that everyone is held accountable for their actions and results. This can help improve performance and achieve better outcomes.

Easier Goal Tracking

Tracking progress towards your objectives and key results makes it easy to see how you are doing and identify areas where you need to make changes to achieve your goals.

How Do I Set and Achieve my OKRs?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, here are a few tips on how you can set and achieve your OKRs:

Define Your OKRs

The first step in setting up your OKRs is to define your objectives and key results. You can do this by answering the following questions:

1. What do you want to achieve? — Your objectives should be specific, measurable goals that you want to achieve. They should be challenging but attainable, and you should have a timeframe for completing them.

2. How will you know when you’ve achieved them? — Your key results should be quantifiable measures that track how close you are to achieving your objective. They should also be time-based so you can track progress over time.

3. Are they aligned with your company’s or organization’s goals? — Make sure that your objectives are aligned with your company’s or organization’s overall goals, so everyone is working towards the same targets.

Once you have defined your objectives and key results, it’s important to share them with others in your organization, so everyone is aware of what they are working towards. You may also want to create a visual representation of your OKRs to make them easy to see and track.

whiteboard with sticky notes and writing

Assign OKRs to Specific Team Members

Once you have defined your objectives and key results, it’s important to assign them to specific team members. This helps ensure that everyone has ownership of their goals and is accountable for their actions. A good way to do this is to use a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM).

A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a tool that helps you assign tasks and responsibilities to specific team members. It consists of a table with the names of team members down the left-hand side and the various tasks or objectives across the top.

You then allocate each task or objective to specific team members by drawing a line between them.

Focus on Your OKRs

Once you have assigned your OKRs to specific team members, it is important to focus on meeting them. You can minimize distractions by working on your OKRs during specific times of the day. For example, you may want to review and update your goals every morning or afternoon.

If you find yourself struggling to meet your OKRs, don’t be discouraged. Instead, analyze what is causing the difficulty and take appropriate steps to address it. Maybe you need to set more realistic goals or revise your timeframes. Whatever the case, never give up on meeting your objectives.

Track Progress and Revise as Necessary

The next step is to track progress towards your objectives and key results and revise them as necessary. This helps ensure that you are on track to achieve your goals and makes it easy to identify any areas where changes need to be made.

A good way to do this is to create a Progress Tracking Sheet (PTS) which consists of a table with the name of each objective and key result across the top, and then a column for each month down the side. You can then track your progress by noting whether you have achieved your key results or not.

Time tracking apps such as can be useful for tracking progress towards time-based key results.

When should I make revisions to OKRs?

The following are a few reasons why you may want to revise your OKRS:

1. The objectives or key results you set at the beginning of the quarter are no longer relevant or achievable.

2. Your business has undergone a major change, such as a merger, acquisition, or significant expansion.

3. You have new information that could affect your OKRs, such as updated market research or customer feedback.

4. You achieved most or all of your key results in the previous quarter and need to set more challenging goals for the next one.

How to Set and Achieve Your OKRs

Celebrate Every Time You Reach a Milestone

OKRs should be an ongoing process with multiple milestones mapped out along the way. And no matter how big or small your Objective Key Results are, it’s always worth celebrating every time you reach a milestone.

You should be proud of each achievement and show appreciation for the contributions of every individual – regardless of how large or small they were. This helps motivate everyone to keep going and achieve even more, increasing the success rate of your OKRs in the future.

Examples of Good and Bad OKRs

Now that you know all there is to setting and achieving Objective Key Results, it is time to get started. Here are some examples of good and bad OKRs.

Good Examples of OKRs

OBJECTIVE: Triple the number of paying customers


  • Increase customer base by 300% in 6 months
  • Convert 10,000 leads into paying customers in 12 months
  • Achieve a 25% customer renewal rate in 1 year

These OKRs are great examples because they are SMART, that is, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based. They can be achieved and provide you with a clear path to success.

Bad Example of OKRs:

  • Increase productivity
  • Work more
  • Be more organized
  • Be better at time management
  • Reduce stress

These are poor examples because they do not have set objectives or measurable results. As well, they are not specific, measurable, or achievable, so they are not achievable Objective Key Results. However, they could be used as objectives to inspire other types of goals.

How Do You Hold an OKR Meeting?

The first step is to agree on a timeframe for the meeting. This can be quarterly, monthly, or even weekly.

Next, you’ll need to identify what data needs to be collected to measure progress towards the objective and key results. This could include things like sales figures, customer satisfaction ratings, or website traffic numbers.

Once you have all of this information gathered, it’s time to set some targets. Again, your objectives should be ambitious but achievable, while your key results should be quantifiable so that you can easily measure them.

Finally, it’s important to assign somebody as the meeting chairperson to keep everyone on track and ensure that each objective and key result is addressed during the discussion.

How is OKR Different from KPI?

The main difference between OKRs and KPIs is that while KPIs are specific metrics used to measure progress towards a goal, OKRs are broader objectives that encompass several related goals.

A company might have several KPIs related to a specific goal, such as increasing web traffic or reducing customer churn, while the overall objective (an OKR) could be something like “increase revenue by 25% this year.”

chalkboard with text


Goal setting is an important part of any successful organization, and OKRs are a popular framework for setting effective goals. By using OKRs, you can increase focus and clarity, improve communication and collaboration between team members, and track progress towards your objectives.

Remember to always be flexible and track your progress along the way. Celebrate every milestone, no matter how big or small. And lastly, make sure your OKRs are aligned with your company or team’s strategy, even if that means redefining them along the way.