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Product Development: How to Create a Roadmap for Your Company -
using of roadmap for product development

Product Development: How to Create a Roadmap for Your Company

Product development roadmaps are critical for any company that wants to bring new products to the market. They provide a clear and concise guide for what needs to be done when it needs to be done, and how all the pieces fit together.

Creating an effective roadmap can be challenging, but ensuring your product development efforts are successful is essential.

It might take a lot of time and effort to develop a comprehensive strategy and concrete product plan, especially if this is your first time. However, we’re here to arm you with the knowledge you require to simplify that process.

This article will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of product roadmaps so that you can use them to direct product development, help your teams, and reassure stakeholders that everything is proceeding according to plan.

What Is A Roadmap?

A product development roadmap is a high-level overview of the main goals and milestones that need to be achieved in order to bring a new product to the market. It’s typically presented as a timeline or Gantt chart, and it covers both short-term and long-term plans.

The roadmap should answer three key questions:

1. What are we trying to achieve?

When creating a product roadmap, you need to have a clear understanding of what your goals are. What problem are you trying to solve? Who is your target market? What are your success metrics? Once you know the answers to these questions, you can start setting objectives and priorities.

2. When do we want to achieve it?

The timeline for a product roadmap can vary depending on the project. For example, if you’re working on a new feature for an existing product, the timeline might be shorter than if you’re developing a brand-new product from scratch.

It’s important to be realistic when setting timelines, as this will ensure your roadmap is achievable and doesn’t put unnecessary pressure on your team.

3. How are we going to achieve it?

The final piece of the puzzle is figuring out how you’re going to achieve your objectives. This includes understanding your resources, what needs to be developed, and who will be responsible for each task. Once you have all this information, you can start creating your roadmap.

person thinking about product development

All product roadmaps monitor development and display what is being created, but explaining why is crucial. This is important since any development process should be adaptable enough to take into account client input and the constantly shifting business environment. New products should also be tied to the broader company plan.

What Are The Benefits Of A Product Roadmap?

Beyond the obvious benefits of having a product development roadmap (i.e., it gives you a clear path to follow and helps ensure you achieve your goals), there are several other advantages to creating one for your company.

Collective ownership

It is much simpler to include and sell your product roadmap to upper management and/or investors when everyone has contributed to its creation. This process also allows you to collect feedback early on, which can save you time and money in the long run.

Improved communication

A good product roadmap should improve communication between different departments within your company (e.g., sales, marketing, engineering, etc.), as well as between your company and external partners or customers. You can avoid misunderstandings and misalignment by having a shared document that everyone can refer to.

Increased clarity

A product roadmap can help to increase clarity around your product goals and priorities, both internally and externally. This can be especially helpful when you are working on a complex product with many dependencies.

Better decision-making

By having a clear understanding of your product development roadmap, you will be in a better position to make informed decisions about trade-offs, resourcing, and prioritization.

Increased accountability

Once your roadmap is published, you and your team will be held accountable for it. This can help to keep everyone focused and on track.

Types Of Product Roadmaps

When it comes to creating a product roadmap, there are a few different types to use depending on your situation.

  • Strategic roadmap: A strategic roadmap is a high-level overview of your product vision and strategy. It is typically used to communicate with upper management or investors and does not contain much detail.
  • Tactical roadmap: A tactical roadmap is a more detailed version of your product roadmap that includes specific features and timelines. It is typically used internally by the product development team to track the progress of projects and make sure everyone is on the same page.
tools and a plan for product development
  • Release roadmap: A release roadmap is a detailed plan that outlines when specific features will be released. It is typically used by engineering teams to track progress and ensure the timely delivery of new features.
  • Technology roadmap: A technology roadmap is a plan that outlines the technologies you will use to develop your product, as well as the timeline for implementing each one. It is typically used by engineering teams to make sure they are using the right technologies and keeping up with industry trends.

The type of product roadmap you create will depend on your specific needs and goals. In general, starting with a strategic roadmap is best and then creating more detailed plans (tactical, release, or technology) as needed.

How to Create a Product Development Roadmap

Your product roadmap should be succinct while yet giving an overview of a project from beginning to conclusion. You should concentrate on the most important aspects of the development process and the main goals that advance the project.

1. Create your vision and plan.

The key to developing a successful product roadmap is to articulate your vision for a product or service and to match that vision with the expectations of internal and external stakeholders as well as customers. Speak with your product teams and customers. Take a look at the market and your rivals.

Set up customer profiles and pay attention to what your salespeople are saying about you, especially on market demand. Having access to all of these viewpoints will enable you to improve your product strategy and concentrate on what really matters.

2. Develop your product strategy.

After you have a good handle on what your vision and objectives are, it’s time to develop a product strategy that will help you achieve them. This step is important because it gives your roadmap focus and ensures that everyone understands the reasoning behind the decisions made about the product. The strategy should align with the company’s business goals.

two employees brainstorming about product development

Some of the key questions you need to answer during this stage are:

  • Who is your target customer?
  • What needs does your product or service address?
  • How does your product fit into the market?
  • What are your unique selling points?
  • What is the pricing strategy for your product?

3. Create a timeline.

Now that you have developed a product strategy, it’s time to start mapping out a timeline for development, release, and post-release phases. This will ensure that you hit your milestones and deliverables, while also taking into account any risks or dependencies.

Be sure to include the following in your timeline:

  • Research and development
  • Product testing
  • Manufacturing (if applicable)
  • Packaging (if applicable)
  • Marketing and launch
  • Sales support

4. Set up milestones.

In order to track progress, it is important to set up milestones for each stage of development. This will help you identify risks early on and make changes to the roadmap as needed. Additionally, milestones give your team something to strive for and provide a sense of accomplishment when they are met.

You also need to use a dependable project time tracking system to make sure your team stays on course to hit each milestone. is a great example of a project time tracking system that is simple to use and helps you stay on top of deadlines.

5. Make it visual.

Once you have all the information gathered, it’s time to start putting it into a format that is easy to follow and understand. This will help you track progress, share the roadmap with others, and make changes as needed.

A product roadmap template can help you get started, but feel free to be creative in how you format and present your roadmap. The important thing is that it is clear, concise, and contains all the information necessary for stakeholders to understand the project’s goals and timeline.

two people discussing about product development

6. Determine dependencies.

As you create your timeline, it is important to take into account any dependencies that might impact the business process management. These can include things like:

  • Regulatory approvals
  • Access to raw materials
  • IP rights
  • The availability of key personnel
  • Funding

7. Assign resources and create budgets.

In order to bring your product roadmap to fruition, you will need to assign adequate resources and create budgets for each stage of development. This includes everything from personnel costs to research and development expenses. Make sure that you have a clear understanding of the costs involved so that there are no surprises down the road.

8. Get buy-in from stakeholders.

Once you have created your product roadmap, it is important to get buy-in from all stakeholders. This includes upper management, the product team, customers, and anyone else who might be impacted by the development process.

Getting everyone on board from the beginning will help ensure a smooth development process and avoid any roadblocks along the way.

Final Thoughts

Following these steps will help you create a comprehensive and effective product development roadmap for your company. By taking the time to develop a clear vision and timeline, you can ensure that your product is successful and meets the needs of your customers.