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Project Constraints: How To Deal With Them Successfully -
materials for project

Project Constraints: How To Deal With Them Successfully

It’s no secret that every project has certain characteristics that hold it back. Maybe it’s a lack of resources, unrealistic deadlines, or an uncooperative team.

Whatever the case may be, these project constraints can often feel like insurmountable obstacles that may result in the project’s downfall.

The good news is, you can overcome them.

In fact, by learning how to effectively deal with project constraints, you can actually use them to your advantage. This may seem like an oxymoron, but positive project constraints do exist!

In this article, we’ll discuss what project constraints are, how you can deal with them successfully, and also go through the triple constraints of project management.

Let’s get started!

What Are Project Constraints?

In short, project constraints are any factors that limit or restrict the project in some way. They can be internal or external, and usually fall into one of four categories: time, cost, scope, or quality.

For example, let’s say you’re working on a project with a very tight deadline. The constraint here is time. Or, perhaps you’re working on a project that’s over budget. In this case, the constraint would be cost.

It’s important to note that not all constraints are negative. In fact, some may even be beneficial to the project. For example, a constraint could be that you’re only allowed to use certain materials or that you have to adhere to a specific style guide.

In any case, the key is to identify the constraints early on and develop a plan for how to deal with them as effectively as possible.

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Project Constraints Examples

Now that we’ve understood what project constraints are and pointed out some basic characteristics, let’s go through some more detailed examples of these constraints to build a deeper understanding of what they really entail.


As we mentioned before, time is often a major constraint on projects. This can be due to a number of factors, such as unrealistic deadlines, unforeseen delays, or simply not enough time being allocated to the project from the start.

Whatever the case may be, it’s important to manage your time effectively in order to avoid any potential delays or setbacks. This means setting realistic deadlines, prioritizing tasks, and knowing when to delegate or outsource certain aspects of the project.


Cost is another major constraint that has to be dealt with accordingly. This usually comes down to working with a tight budget or unexpected cost overruns.

In order to avoid any issues, it’s important to track costs carefully and make sure that you’re not overspending in any one area. It may also be helpful to look for ways to cut costs where possible, such as by negotiating with suppliers or choosing cheaper materials.


The scope of a project is the defined extent of what needs to be done in order to complete it. This can often be a source of constraints, as it may be unclear what exactly needs to be done or there may be too much work for the available resources.

To avoid serious problems, it’s important to define the scope of the project as clearly as possible from the start.

This means having a clear understanding of what needs to be done and also setting realistic expectations for what can be achieved within the given timeframe and budget.


Last but not least, quality is another important constraint to consider. This usually refers to meeting certain standards or ensuring that the end product is up to par with what was promised.

In order to meet these quality standards, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what they are and also put in place adequate quality control measures. This may involve testing and inspections at various stages of the project to ensure that everything is on track.

two employees working on their laptop

The Triple Constraints of Project Management

The triple constraints of project management have already been covered above. They are time, cost, and scope. These are the three main factors that need to be considered when managing a project.

As detailed above:

  • Time refers to the amount of time available to complete the project. This includes the deadline as well as any other limitations on time, such as working hours or availability of resources;
  • Cost is the budget available for the project. This includes all costs associated with the project, such as materials, labour, and overhead;
  • Scope is the extent of work that needs to be done in order to complete the project. This includes all deliverables and tasks that need to be completed.

All three of these constraints are interrelated and need to be considered when making any decisions about the project. For example, if the scope of the project is increased, then this will likely have an impact on the time and cost constraints.

Project Constraints Top Tips

If you’re looking for some easy solutions to deal with project constraints, look no further. Here are some top tips to deal with them effectively:

Be Flexible in Your Approach

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to overcoming project constraints. You’ll need to be flexible in your approach and tailor your methods to the specific constraint you’re dealing with.

Communicate With Your Team

If team members are uncooperative or deadlines are unrealistic, open up a dialogue with them. By communicating openly and honestly, you can often find a way to work around the issue.

Be Realistic in Your Expectations

It’s important to be realistic in your expectations for the project. If you’re expecting too much, it will only add to the stress and make it harder to overcome constraints.

Don’t Try to do Everything at Once

When you’re facing multiple constraints, it can be tempting to try and tackle them all at once. However, this is often not the most effective approach. Instead, focus on one constraint at a time and develop a plan to overcome it before moving on to the next.

Seek Outside Help if Needed

If you’re struggling to overcome a constraint, don’t be afraid to seek outside help. There are plenty of resources available, whether it’s hiring a consultant or using online tools.

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How to Deal With Project Constraints

Project constraints are defined as anything that limits or restricts the project in any way. As we mentioned before, these can be things like unrealistic deadlines, lack of resources, or even team members who aren’t cooperating.

The first step to successfully dealing with project constraints is to identify them. Once you know what’s holding the project back, you can develop a plan to overcome them.

After identifying them, it’s time to deal with the situation as best as possible. There are a few different ways you can deal with project constraints.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these methods:

1. Change the Constraint

This is probably the most obvious solution to project constraints. If something is holding the project back, then try to change it.

For example, if you’re facing unrealistic deadlines, see if you can negotiate with the client for a longer timeline. Or, if there’s a lack of resources, try to see if there are any other ways to get the resources you need.

Of course, this isn’t always possible. But it’s worth considering before moving on to the next solution.

2. Work Within the Constraint

If you can’t change the constraint, then your only other option is to work within it.

This means that you’ll have to find ways to still meet the project’s goals, even with the constraints in place.

For example, if you’re facing a tight deadline, you may need to adjust the scope of the project or change the way you’re working. Or, if there’s a lack of resources, you may need to get creative and see what other options are available.

The key here is to be flexible and adaptable. By being willing to change the way you’re doing things, you can still successfully complete the project despite the constraints.

3. Remove the Constraint

If neither of the first two solutions are possible, then your only other option is to remove the constraint altogether.

This usually isn’t possible (or realistic) but there are some instances where it could work. For example, if one of your team members isn’t cooperating, maybe you can replace them with someone who will be more helpful.

Or, if there’s a lack of resources, maybe you can find another company or individual who can help out.

Of course, this solution should only be used as a last resort. But in some cases, it may be necessary in order to successfully complete the project.

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Final Thoughts

Project constraints are an inevitable part of every project. However, by learning to deal with them effectively, you can actually use them to your advantage.

Keep the triple constraints of project management in mind (scope, time, and cost), and make sure to communicate with your team throughout the project.

By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to successfully overcoming any project constraint that comes your way.