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The 4 Essential Qualities of a Good Employee -
Qualities of a Good Employee

The 4 Essential Qualities of a Good Employee

If the wrong employee is hired to work with your company, it won’t take long for you to figure this out. In fact, 20% of employee turnover happens within the first 45 days of being hired. This is why it’s important to know the qualities of a good employee before you make your hire, so that you can avoid costly turnover and wasted time and money.

employer interviewing qualities of a good employee

So what are the qualities you should be looking for in a good employee? How can you distinguish between an average candidate and an exceptional one?

In this article, we’ll outline four essential qualities of a good employee. Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the ideal employee will vary depending on the company and position. However, these four qualities are essential for any good employee.

Ready to learn? Let’s get started.

Quality 1: They are proactive

When it comes to choosing your employees, proactivity is key. Your ideal candidate will be someone who shows initiative and is always looking for ways to improve the company, rather than waiting for instruction. They will take ownership of their work and be proactive in their approach to problem-solving.

If your candidate is a proactive employee, they will:

  • Go above and beyond in their application process
  • Look for ways to improve the company and their own skillset
  • Be a self-starter and work independently
  • Take the lead on new projects
  • Be able to think on their feet
  • Take responsibility for their actions

Remember, however, that having proactive employees will only work if you foster a proactive company culture. If your employees feel that they can only act when given instruction, they will not be able to reach their full potential. They need to see that you are receptive to new ideas and that taking the initiative is rewarded.

Quality 2: They are reliable

One of the most important qualities of a good employee is reliability. If you can’t trust that your employee will show up to work on time and do their job, how can you rely on them to help your business grow?

Employees who are consistently reliable will help your business run smoothly and efficiently. They are a dependable asset that you can count on, which is why it’s important to find someone who is consistent in their attendance and work performance.

If you’re looking for a new employee, be sure to ask them about their history of reliability. This can help you get a sense of whether they will be a good fit for your business.

You can also look out for these telling signs:

  • They are always on time for work
  • They clarify instructions so that there is no ambiguity
  • They are proactive in their work and take the initiative to get things done
  • They complete tasks in a timely manner
  • They check in regularly to let their supervisor know how they are doing
  • They show up to work every day unless they are legitimately ill

If an employee has most of these qualities, it’s likely that they are reliable and can be counted on to do their job.

Quality 3: They communicate well

In business, communication is critical. You cannot hope to succeed if important information doesn’t get through to the right people in a timely manner. That’s why good employees are great communicators. They know how to get their point across succinctly and clearly, and they also understand the importance of listening carefully to others.

Communication comes in many forms, but there is a clear difference between someone who can talk and someone who can communicate.

employee communicating with the boss

Good employees know how to use all forms of communication, from speaking and writing to body language and facial expressions. They adapt their communication style to fit the situation, making sure that everyone involved understands what’s going on.

If you want your business to run smoothly, you need good communicators on your team. Look for employees who are articulate, clear-headed, and adaptable. They will make communication a breeze and help your business reach its goals.

Good communicators will show the following qualities:

  • They are articulate and clear-headed, able to get their point across succinctly and clearly
  • They understand the importance of listening carefully to others
  • They adapt their communication style to fit the situation
  • They use all forms of communication, from speaking and writing to body language and facial expressions
  • They make an effort to ensure that everyone involved understands what’s going on

Quality 4: They are driven

​​A good employee will never let themselves stagnate or become complacent. They are always looking for ways to improve their skills and themselves, driven to reach new heights and achieve more. They are also self-starters, not waiting for someone to give them orders, but taking the initiative to get things done.

Much like the proactive employee, driven employees are always looking for ways to improve their productivity. They want to make sure they are putting their best foot forward and helping the company reach its goals.

And, like quality number three, they are excellent communicators. They know how to speak up when they have an idea or need help, and they are always willing to lend a hand.

employee pitching her idea to her bosses

If an employee is driven, they will show it through the following behaviors:

  • They are always looking for ways to improve their skills and themselves
  • They are self-starters, not waiting for someone to give them orders
  • They are excellent communicators, knowing how to speak up when they have an idea or need help
  • They speak their mind and offer suggestions
  • They are always willing to help others and eagerly look for ways to assist

More essential qualities to look for in your next hire

In addition to proactivity, reliability, communication, and ambition, there are several other traits you should look for when vetting new candidates.

1. Honesty

A good employee is someone who you can trust to be truthful and upfront with you. They won’t hide mistakes or try to cover up problems, but will own up to them and work to resolve them.

2. Integrity

Integrity is closely related to honesty, but it’s about more than just telling the truth. It’s also about being honest with yourself, living by your values, and doing the right thing even when no one is looking.

3. Adaptability

An adaptable employee can roll with the punches and handle changes in their workplace or environment. They’re not afraid of new challenges and are willing to try new things.

4. Flexibility

Flexible employees are able to adapt their schedules and working hours to meet the needs of the company. They’re also able to switch gears quickly and work on a variety of tasks.

5. Positive attitude

A positive attitude is essential in any workplace. It can help to brighten up a dreary day, make tasks more enjoyable, and motivate others.

6. Team player

A good employee is someone who is able to work well with others and contribute to the team. They’re cooperative, supportive, and willing to put the team first.

team meeting on the qualities of a good employee

Why you need ‘the good employee’

The good employee is the backbone of any business. They are hardworking, reliable and motivated. They are essential to the success of any company and can make a huge difference in the day-to-day operations.

With a reliable, hardworking, and dedicated employee on your team, you’ll see the following benefits:

  • Improved Productivity: A good employee is someone who is motivated to work and is always looking for ways to improve their productivity. They are self-starters who don’t need constant supervision. This type of employee can help take your business to the next level.
  • Increased Morale: A good employee is a morale booster. They are positive and upbeat, always looking for ways to help their team and contribute to the overall success of the company. When morale is high, productivity goes up and everyone is happier.
  • Reduced Costs: A good employee is someone who is productive and efficient. They don’t need a lot of direction and are able to work independently, which means less supervision is needed and costs are reduced.
  • Better Customer Service: A good employee is always looking for ways to improve customer service. They are polite, helpful and go the extra mile to make sure customers are happy. This type of employee can help your business stand out from the competition and attract more customers.

With good employees, your business will have very chance to succeed — so make sure you hire the very best!

Becoming the good employee: how to get hired

Let’s now switch from the employer’s perspective to that of the employee. If you are an employee, what can you do to become one of the greats?

girl on a call with employer while working

The first step is making sure your resume is up-to-date and accurately represents your skills and experience. You should also make sure you are well-prepared for job interviews, by doing your research on the company and the position you are interviewing for.

Once you are hired, the key to becoming a good employee is to be proactive and take initiative. Find ways to contribute and add value to your team and company, and be reliable and consistent in your work. Be a good team player, cooperate with others, and respect your colleagues.

Develop a good work ethic and be willing to put in the effort. Be patient and stay focused on your goals. Always aim to improve and learn new things. And lastly, be humble and grateful for the opportunities you have been given.

The qualities of a good employee are essential for any successful organization. By being proactive, reliable, and contributing to your team, you will become an essential part of any company.

Qualities of a Good Employee: Bottom line

It’s easy to pick a new hire based on their academic achievements or the impressive work experience on their resume, but the fact of the matter is that there are other qualities that are just as important — if not more so — in determining whether someone will be a good employee.

In order to identify these qualities, we looked at four essential characteristics that stand out among the best employees: proactivity, reliability, communication, and ambition. Remember that no one is perfect, and each employee will have different strengths and weaknesses — but keeping these four qualities in mind will give you a good head start in finding the best employees for your business.