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The Top 4 Team Outing Excursions -

The Top 4 Team Outing Excursions

Every team needs a break from time to time, which is why it’s helpful to plan some time off together.

Exciting team outing excursions are a great way to get your employees out of the office, away from their desks and computers, and into new surroundings. These can be an excellent opportunity for team bonding while exploring the world around you.

However, it can be challenging to choose just one option when deciding on an appropriate excursion. Ideally, you want it to be fun, yet functional and contribute to accomplishing the company’s goals. Considering all the opportunities out there, you might feel lost.

Luckily, we’ve researched and narrowed down your options to our top 4 team outing excursions. This blog will provide you with information on what each of these trips has in store. Take a look at our list below and find the perfect trip for your next company event!

Excursions Ideas

There are many different types of excursions you can take your team on, but it’s always good to start with some famous examples. We’ve listed them below to give you an idea of what might work best depending on your company’s culture, goals and values.

1. Hiking

Hiking is a great way to get some physical exercise while exploring the natural beauty of your surroundings. It’s also a chance for you and your employees to bond over shared experiences, such as overcoming obstacles or having fun along the trail.

Hiking excursions are perfect if you want an outdoorsy experience with some competitive elements mixed in. For example, you can hold a race to the top of the mountain or have a team versus team challenge at specific points along the trail.

The cost of this type of outing can vary greatly depending on the location and how much equipment you need, but it’s typically a very affordable option.

2. Bowling

Bowling is a classic team outing excursion, and bowling alleys are usually easy to locate. Plus, it’s an activity that everyone in your company can enjoy together. There aren’t any age requirements or athletic limitations associated with bowling, making this an excellent option for all employees.

Just be sure to book your bowling alley ahead of time, as they can fill up quickly during peak hours.

3. Cooking Class

Cooking classes are a fun way to get your employees out of the office and into an interactive learning environment.

This is beneficial for both you and your team as it’s a chance to bond while also teaching them valuable skills that they can use in their personal lives. Plus, everyone loves eating the food that they make!

Cooking classes can be found in many different locations, and they often cater to specific types of cuisine. So if you’re looking for something more specific, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find what you’re looking for.

4. Karaoke Night at a Restaurant or Bar

Karaoke is always entertaining, and it’s perfect for team outings. You can find karaoke nights at many different restaurants and bars, so you have plenty of options to choose from.

Additionally, karaoke gives everyone a chance to show off their vocal skills (or lack thereof) in a fun and supportive environment. It’s also an excellent time for team building as employees will need to work together to choose the right songs and make sure the night goes smoothly for all involved.

Karaoke nights are usually affordable for company events, depending on which location you choose. Just be sure to check ahead of time to see if the restaurant or bar offers karaoke and book your space well in advance.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Perfect Excursion

Now that you have a few ideas, it’s time to select the ideal team outing excursion for your company. Keep these deciding factors in mind as you make your choice:

What Is the Purpose or Goal?

Determine the goal of the outing before selecting an activity. Doing so will narrow down your options and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

You might be looking for an activity that will help employees bond and get to know each other better, or you might want something with a competitive edge that will encourage productivity.

Who Will Be Participating?

Not all activities are created equal when it comes to who can participate. Some, like hiking or cooking classes, have no age requirements and are perfect for employees of most physical abilities. However, other activities, like skydiving or rock climbing, might be a little too extreme for some people.

Make sure that the activity you choose is something that everyone can enjoy. For example, if your employees can’t do strenuous activities because of medical reasons or age restrictions, consider a different location. Or, if some people are too shy or not interested in being on display, like singing karaoke, then you might want to reconsider this option.

What Is the Budget for This Event?

Budget is an important factor to consider early on, as it will help you determine the type of activity you can afford. For example, activities like bowling and karaoke are relatively affordable.

However, other activities, like skydiving or white water rafting, can be more expensive. Hence, it’s a good idea to have a ballpark number in mind before you start researching excursions.

How Much Time Is Available?

Not all activities take the same amount of time. If you only have a few hours to spare, then an activity like bowling or mini-golf might be the best choice. However, if you have an entire day or weekend to work with, something like hiking might be a better fit.

When Will It Take Place?

Some activities, like bowling and mini-golf, are good choices for a team outing excursion because they can be done quickly. However, other activities require more planning ahead of time to reserve the space or secure transportation or lodging.

Give yourself enough lead time when choosing an activity so that everything is confirmed and ready to go when the time comes.

Is There a Preferred Location or Type of Activity?

You might already have a few places or activities in mind that would work best for your company culture and goals. If so, then use them as inspiration. Maybe other employees have similar interests and will love participating in an activity they’re familiar with.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for something new and different, do some research to find the activity that suits everyone.

Once you’ve answered these questions, you can narrow down your options and choose an excursion that’s perfect for your team.

Tips for Implementing Successful Excursions

Planning an excursion can be fun and exciting, but there are some crucial factors to consider before finalizing your plans.

Ensure That Everyone Is on Board With the Activity

Make sure that everyone is on board with the activity. The last thing you want is for employees to show up unprepared or unwilling to participate in an outing chosen just for them. Therefore, it’s important to get everyone’s opinion before making a final decision.

Set a Date and Time That Works for Everyone

Next, you’ll need to set a date and time that works for everyone. Getting these details nailed down can be tricky, but try and find a day and time when most people are available. If some employees can’t attend because of scheduling conflicts, find a different date or activity that will work for them.

Confirm All Details Ahead of Time

Once you’ve set a date and time, be sure to confirm all the details with everyone involved. These include the activity itself, the transportation, and any accommodations. Make sure that everyone is aware of what they need to bring and who is responsible for booking everything.

Send Out a Final Reminder Before the Excursion

Finally, send out a final reminder before the excursion. Reminding everyone will help ensure they are aware of the details and know what to expect. It’s also a good idea to remind them of any dress code or other requirements, especially if they are going somewhere unique or fancy.

Communicate With All Participants

Make sure everyone knows what the goal of the outing is and what they need to do to be prepared. Knowing this will help avoid any confusion or problems that might arise during the activity and ensure that everyone is involved in a meaningful way.

If It’s Your First Time Organizing an Outing Like This, Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

Many other team members may have more experience with team outings and would love to lend a hand, so feel free to ask for help. Aside from that, there are always helpful resources online or recommendations from your company’s HR department.


Team outing excursions can be a great way to get everyone involved and reward employees for their efforts. In addition, employees can get out of the office and socialize with their coworkers in an informal setting.

So long as everyone feels involved, engaged, and valued, then you can rest assured that it was time well spent. The most important thing is to have fun!