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The Top 5 Components Of A Successful Recruitment Strategy -
a successful recruitment strategy

The Top 5 Components Of A Successful Recruitment Strategy

Did you know that in 2021, only 12% of employees thought their organization did a good job of onboarding? That’s an alarming statistic when you consider how important a good onboarding process is to retaining new employees.

A successful recruitment strategy starts with onboarding and continues throughout the entire employee lifecycle. In order to create an effective recruitment strategy, you need to understand the components that make it successful.

In this article, we’ll discuss the top 5 components of a successful recruitment strategy — and the contents of this list may surprise you!

But first, let’s take a look at why having a good recruitment strategy is so essential.

Why do you need a recruitment strategy?

On average, it takes a company or recruitment agency 36 working days to make a hire. That’s five weeks spent sourcing, interviewing, and vetting candidates. For some positions, it can take even longer. A well-thought-out recruitment strategy can help you reduce the amount of time it takes to fill a position.

But that’s not all. A good recruitment strategy will also help you:

  • Attract the best talent
  • Screen candidates quickly and efficiently
  • Reduce the number of bad hires
  • Improve employee retention rates

What does a recruitment strategy look like?

A recruitment strategy is a plan of action that outlines how you will go about finding and hiring the best talent for your organization. It should include:

  • A description of your ideal candidate
  • The channels you will use to find candidates (e.g. job boards, social media, networking)
  • The screening process you will use
  • How you will evaluate candidates
  • Your budget and timeline

With a well-defined recruitment strategy in place, you can streamline the process of finding and hiring new employees, which will save you time and money.

Component 1: Workforce planning

Before you can even think about beginning the recruitment process, you’ll need to have a solid idea of what positions you need to fill and what skills and experience are required.

coming up with a recruitment strategy

This is where workforce planning comes in. By mapping out your organization’s future needs, you can ensure that the recruitment process is tailored specifically to meeting your requirements.

To undertake thorough workforce planning, you’ll need to consider a number of factors, including:

  • The current and future size of your organization
  • The skills and experience required for each position
  • The availability of qualified candidates in the labor market
  • The cost of recruiting and retaining employees

Once you have a good understanding of your organization’s needs, you can begin to develop a recruitment strategy that will help you find the best candidates available.

Component 2: Recruiter vetting

Almost 90% of employees say that they are more inclined to accept a position if contacted by a recruiter. This is why the impression your recruitment team makes is so important — a bad referral can doom your chances before you even have a chance to speak to the potential candidate.

For this reason, it’s critical that you take the time to properly vet your recruiters. They should be experienced in sales and possess excellent communication skills. They should also be good judges of character, able to identify red flags during the screening process.

When selecting your team of recruiters, take the following into account:

  • How well do they know your company and its culture?
  • Can they articulate the benefits of working for your company?
  • Do they have a solid network of potential candidates?
  • How well do they know the industry, and are they up to date on current trends?
  • Can they identify high-quality talent quickly and efficiently?

If you can answer yes to all of these questions, then you have a team of recruiters who are likely to be successful in finding the best talent for your company.

employing a recruitment strategy

Component 3: Background and reference checks

Once you have built a solid recruitment team and begun receiving applications, the next step is to ensure that each applicant is the best possible fit for your organization. This begins with a detailed background check to verify the information on their resume and look for any red flags.

The red flags you’ll want to look for include any history of criminal activity, poor credit scores, or numerous job changes. It’s also important to conduct reference checks with previous employers to get an idea of the applicant’s work ethic and job performance.

The goal is to avoid bringing on any employees who may end up being a poor fit or causing problems down the road. By conducting a thorough background check and reference check, you can ensure that you are only hiring the best of the best.

Tapping into the right sources

Part of the candidate vetting process involves tapping into quality talent sources. That might include online resources, job boards, employee referrals, or social media. However you find candidates, be sure to research the quality of the sources you’re using.

It’s also important to keep your search broad at first. Cast a wide net and identify the best potential candidates before you start to narrow your focus. You never know where the best talent might be hiding!

Component 4: Company identity

25% of job applicants say that they would leave their current job for one with better company culture, and 53% of millennials say they would move to a more inclusive company if the opportunity arose. Inclusivity and a strong company culture are both components of your company’s identity, and they’re both incredibly important when it comes to recruitment.

How you portray your company to potential employees is key. Make sure that your website, marketing materials, and job postings are up-to-date and accurately reflect your company culture. Use social media to show off what it’s like to work at your company, and be active in online forums and groups where potential employees might be lurking.

the results of a successful recruitment strategy

When you’re interviewing candidates, make sure that they get a good sense of your company culture. Ask them about their values and what they’re looking for in a job. If they seem like a good fit, let them know what it’s like to work at your company. Paint a picture of a fun, welcoming workplace where employees are valued and supported.

If you can create a strong company identity that resonates with potential employees, you’ll be well on your way to building a successful recruitment strategy.

Component 5: Positive onboarding experience

The final component of a successful recruitment strategy is creating a positive onboarding experience for new employees. This includes orienting them to the company and its culture, providing necessary training and resources, and making sure they feel welcome and valued.

The onboarding process is a critical time for new employees, and it’s important to make sure they have a good experience. If they feel welcomed and supported, they’re more likely to stay with the company long-term. On the other hand, if they feel overwhelmed or unsupported, they may not be as engaged or productive in their role.

Creating a positive onboarding experience is simple if you follow these steps:

  1. Orient new employees to the company and its culture.
  2. Provide necessary training and resources.
  3. Make sure they feel welcome and valued.
  4. Follow up with them after their first few weeks on the job.
  5. Encourage them to ask questions and get involved.

Creating a positive onboarding experience is one of the most important things you can do to ensure the success of your recruitment strategy. By orienting new employees, providing training and resources, and making sure they feel welcome and valued, you set them up for success.

Success indicators in recruiting

Putting together a solid recruitment strategy with all of the above components is a great achievement — but how can you tell if it is successful?

recruitment strategies lead to successful onboarding

Here are some key success indicators to look out for:

1. Increased number of applications: This is a clear sign that your recruitment strategy is reaching the right people and that your branding is working well.

2. Decreased time to fill vacancies: A shorter vacancy period is an indication that you are attracting the right candidates and that they are interested in your company.

3. Improved employee retention: Higher employee retention rates show that your recruitment strategy is helping to find the best talent and keep them in your organization.

4. Increased number of qualified candidates: This indicates that you are targeting the right audience and using the right methods to attract top talent.

5. Lower recruitment costs: Reduced recruitment costs mean that you are attracting good candidates without spending too much money.

Put simply, you will know that you have been successful in your recruitment strategy when you see an increase in the number of quality applications, a decrease in the time it takes to fill vacancies, and improved employee retention rates. In the long term, you may also see a reduction in recruitment costs.

Bottom line

In the business world, employee turnover is inevitable. However, a successful recruitment strategy can help minimize the negative impact of employee turnover on your business. By focusing on the five key components outlined in this article, you can create a recruitment strategy that will help you attract and retain high-quality employees.