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Time Tracking Software: How Your Business Can Benefit -
A close-up of a clock face

Time Tracking Software: How Your Business Can Benefit

Did you know that less than 1 in 5 people use an effective time management system when working? In fact, many people don’t even track the time they spend on tasks at all. This can be a huge problem for businesses, as it can lead to wasted time and resources.

Time tracking software can help to solve this issue by allowing businesses to track the time spent on each task. This information can then be used to help make better decisions about how to allocate resources and improve productivity.

A close-up shot of a clock face

In this article, we delve into how time tracking software can benefit businesses of all sizes. We will also look at some of the best time tracking software options currently available — so keep reading to find out exactly how your business can benefit from using time tracking software going forward!

Time tracking software 101

Before jumping straight into the benefits, let’s discuss what time tracking software actually is, as well as the different features it has to offer.

What is time tracking software?

In a nutshell, time tracking software is a computer application that helps you keep track of the time you spend on various tasks. It can be used to bill clients for your services, measure employee productivity, and highlight areas where time management can be improved.

There are a variety of different time tracking applications out there, but they all essentially do the same thing: they record the time you spend on each task, then allow you to review and analyze that data in various ways.

What are the key features?

Every time tracking app is different, and some offer features that others do not. The main features you can expect to find in a time tracking tool are:

Time tracking and invoicing

This feature allows you to track the time you spend on each task and then generate invoices for your clients based on those tracked hours. By automatically inputting the time you spend on each task into the invoicing software, you can reduce the time it takes to generate invoices.

Project tracking

Many time tracking tools also offer project tracking features. This allows you to track the progress of each individual project and see at a glance how much time has been spent on each one. This can be helpful in determining whether or not a project is on track and budgeted correctly.

A hand adjusting the pins on a board

Billing and expenses

In addition to tracking time, many time tracking tools also allow you to track expenses. This can help create a more accurate estimate for a project and ensuring that you are billing your clients for all of the work that has been done on their project.


Time tracking software often includes reporting features that allow you to see how much time has been spent on each task, project, and client. This information can be helpful in assessing how well your team is performing and where you may need to make changes.


Many time tracking tools offer integrations with other software that your business may use, such as accounting software or project management tools. This can make it easier to track time and expenses and to get a complete view of how your business is performing.

Mobile apps

Some tools also offer mobile apps, which can allow you to track time and expenses when you are away from your computer. This can be helpful when you are on a project site or traveling.

How does time tracking software work?

The way these apps and programs work is quite simple, and you will find them easy to use and implement within your business.

First, you will need to install the software onto all of the devices used within your company. Once this is done, employees can access the app and log their hours worked each day. The software will then track this data and create reports for you to review.

This information can be extremely valuable when it comes to assessing employee productivity and understanding where time is being wasted within your company. With this knowledge, you can make changes and improvements that will help to increase efficiency and boost your bottom line.

Why should you use time tracking software?

Considering that time management is such a prevalent issue for businesses and individuals everywhere, it’s no wonder that time tracking software is becoming more widely used. Companies stand to gain a lot by implementing time tracking software into their operations.

A person using their time tracking software on their computer

Time tracking software can help businesses to:

  • Identify and track billable hours for employees
  • Monitor project progress and budget adherence
  • Increase efficiency and productivity by identifying wasted time and areas for improvement
  • Analyze employee workloads to optimize staffing
  • Generate invoices and reports

These are just a few of the benefits that businesses can experience from using time tracking software. When used effectively, this type of software can help to streamline operations, improve productivity, and boost profits.


One of the main ways that businesses can benefit from time tracking software is by increasing productivity. When employees are able to track the time they are spending on specific tasks, they can be more efficient with their work, as they will be able to see where they are spending the most time and where they can make changes.

Additionally, by seeing how much time is actually spent on specific tasks, businesses can better estimate project timelines and budgets. This can be helpful in planning and forecasting, as well as preventing overspending on certain tasks.

Time tracking software can also be helpful in identifying areas where employees may need more training or assistance. When managers are able to see where employees are struggling, they can provide the necessary support to help them improve their productivity.

Efficiency and output

By using time tracking software, businesses can significantly boost their efficiency and overall output. Time tracking software allows workers to track the amount of time they spend on specific tasks, making it easier to see where time can be saved and how projects can be completed more quickly.

Additionally, time tracking software can help to reveal any bottlenecks in your workflow and identify areas for improvement or time-saving. For example, if you find that you are spending too much time on a certain task, then you can look for ways to streamline the process or delegate the task to someone else.

Efficiency is difficult to maintain for any business, but by tracking time and utilizing the data gathered, businesses can streamline their processes and improve their overall output. Time tracking software is a valuable tool in today’s business world, and it should be utilized in order to achieve maximal efficiency.

A spread of papers with a mug

Accuracy and compliance

Another way that time tracking software benefits businesses is by ensuring that the payroll is accurate. When employees track the hours they work, this information can be easily exported to payroll software. This eliminates the need for businesses to guess at how many hours employees have worked and results in more accurate paychecks.

There are many tax and pay-related laws that businesses must comply with, and time tracking software can help businesses stay in compliance with these laws by providing a secure and reliable way to track employee hours.

For example, in the United States, businesses are required to pay employees overtime if they work more than 40 hours in a week. Time tracking software can help employers track how many hours their employees are working and ensure that they are complying with overtime regulations.

All benefits aside, it is important to remember that time tracking software only gives as much as you put into it. On that note, let’s discuss how you can get the most out of your software!

Making the most of your time tracking software

While time tracking apps have incredible in-built features, the benefits of using software can only be seen if your time tracking tool is implemented properly and used to its full advantage.

Choosing the right software for your business

The first step to reaping the benefits of your time tracking software is finding the right app for your business’s specific needs. The right software should be customizable to your team’s workflows and preferences, as well as be able to track time spent on specific tasks or projects.

A person checking their time tracking software on their phone

There are a variety of time tracking software options on the market, so it can be tricky to find the perfect one for your business. Do some research on different software options and try out a few different ones to see which one works best for your team.

Ask yourself the following questions to narrow the search down: What are the specific needs of my team? How much flexibility do I need in terms of workflows and preferences? Can the software track time spent on specific tasks or projects? Is the software user-friendly and easy to navigate? Is the software affordable for my business?

Depending on the specific needs and preferences of your business, some time trackers will suit you more than others. For example:

  • If you need a comprehensive overview of how your team is spending their time, you’ll want a tracker with features that allow you to see who is working on what and when.
  • If you’re more interested in getting an idea of how long projects are taking, then a tracker with detailed reporting and project analysis features may be more suited to your needs.
  • If you need to keep track of billable hours, then a tracker with invoicing and billing features will be necessary.
  • If you’re looking for something simple and easy-to-use, some trackers come with pre-built templates and time-saving features that make tracking your time a breeze.

No matter what your needs, there is a time tracking software solution out there that’s perfect for you. By choosing the right software, you’ll be able to improve accuracy, efficiency and profitability in your business.

Implementing your software

Once you’ve found the right software, it’s important to make sure all team members are familiar with how to use it. Set aside time for training and be sure to answer any questions team members may have.

A hand writing down a checklist on a notebook

When it’s time to implement the software within your business, there are a few steps you should cover to ensure that the transition is as seamless as possible.

First, identify the specific roles within your company that will need access to the software. Once you know who needs it, you can provide them with logins and ensure they are familiar with how to use it.

Next, make sure everyone understands why the software is being implemented. They should know what tasks will be affected and how their work will change as a result.

Then, set some ground rules for using the software. This includes things like when time tracking is expected to occur (for example, during working hours only) and what happens if someone forgets to track their time.

Finally, create a plan for how the data collected by the software will be used. Decide who will have access to it and what it will be used for (e.g. payroll, billing, project management).

By taking these steps, you can help ensure a smooth transition to time tracking software and make the most of its benefits for your business.

Bottom line

Time tracking software can benefit your business in a number of ways. From increased productivity and profitability to improved communication and organizational efficiency, there are few downsides to using such a tool.

If you’re on the fence about implementing time tracking in your organization, hopefully this article has helped you see the benefits of doing so! And, if you’re looking for the perfect software choice to boost your company’s productivity, has some incredible solutions for businesses of all shapes and sizes.